
Valorant Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Tried out a new type of informative video for this release. Helpful? Useless cause of leaks? Let me know what you think! I'll be around to answer any questions you may have as well.


Originally posted by GodManGribbs

are you actually riot? Why don't you have the riot tag like others? Is it something you can turn on and off

  • okay looked at the profile, definitely riot lol



Originally posted by dubzfr

It sucks, but I'm sure the future of valorant and morello is going to be fine. I think it feels way bigger than it maybe is because he is by far the most publicly vocal game dev we have. I'm not saying he's bad at his job, he's one of the best and I'll miss his streams, but I'm sure there are many other very competent balance devs at riot. Good luck Morello!

Good take


Originally posted by SilverPrincev

I know its probably not great to speculate but i cant help but think there is a reason behind the Lead Anti cheat developer leaving riot then about 1-2 months later Morello leaves. What would cause two very large/high up developers to leave the team and even more Riot, a company they have been working with for a decade. Either there is big internal struggle within riot/Valorant or they are being poached by other games. This could be nothing or this could be very troublesome for Valorant.

Definitely nothing to speculate about :) He did amazing things for VALORANT and recently received the opportunity of a lifetime. I will personally miss him as he was one of the greatest mentors I could have asked for. We are all saddened but so excited for what he is able to produce on his new team <3

08 Oct


Originally posted by 5ManaAndADream

given that this was the initial idea of breach, and then he was buffed to be better at capitalizing on his own initiations can we expect a similar buff down the line for skye? or any chance of reverting old changes (ie breach buffs, or sage nerfs)?

The intent of those changes was not necessarily to make Breach better at self-capitalization, but just to improve the power and usability of his utility. He can self-capitalize, but it's just not as optimal as setting up for allies, and that's okay. Skye is definitely the hardest initiator to self-capitalize on, but she's also the most flexible in terms of her outputs.


Originally posted by Baendy

Then whats the plan for gaining MMR on her if you're not top fragging with a huge score, since currently vision/utility seems to not be as important as playing aggressively.

Some of the ranked updates we've communicated out should help address this!


Originally posted by TyrannosarusRekt

How does this impact ranked elo gains considering the assist system not supporting utility entirely. Also, it seems assists doesn't seem to impact combat score at all in ranked really.

Some of the ranked updates we've communicated out should help address this!


Originally posted by Gfdbobthe3

You said in a comment down below that she's an initiator like Breach. Where do you draw the line between Initiator and Sentinel when it comes to giving an agent a class? I could see how she could be considered both.

Sentinels help control ground that your team already owns. Skye doesn't really do that, all her utility makes her somewhat vulnerable in order to push out and take ground from the enemy team.


Originally posted by Kadomos

That’s actually super cool! I think you did a fantastic job. I’m very excited to dig into her lines for more references and my mates and I have already started arguing over who is going to main her.

Things like the rightio and cheers mate felt so right in my Aussie bones haha.

You’re right, riding that line is tough. But so long as you never go full Point Break Aussie you’re fine ;)

P.s Point Break Aussie

Wow I wish I'd seen that video beforehand, I'd have pushed to use it in her script ;)

As it is, I just hope my suggestions for The Castle references made it in!


Originally posted by oryiesis

You're answering this question but not answering why the practice range isn't run entirely client sided which is a far more interesting question.

I'm not the producer on that particular feature set, so my answer would be more generic--also didn't see the comment for it. Mostly the answer is it wasn't a high enough priority/value for us to have the team bump the other stuff on the roadmap. That plus our general paradigm of heavy server side validation and set up of our game would mean a decent chunk of work for a potential niche use.


Originally posted by Kadomos

I don't know, I came into this excited and now I'm regretting posting lol.

I'm Australian, and I listened to the auditions for Skye and we went with my favorite, so how do you think I feel?

It's ok, riding the line between "bland" and "over the top" is hard, and I think we landed in a good place. I hope Aussies find some fun references in her lines.

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Originally posted by xzolade

Bro changes need to be made to DM. The mode is not enjoyable at all and doesnt serve it's purpose properly rn. Allowing players in is ok but if the DMs are still 6 minutes long, it doesnt matter. I hope they make core changes to DM then let us get into it in Queue

updates coming to DM, good ones
