
Valorant Dev Tracker

06 Oct


Originally posted by FrederickMrDurst

So Riot has nerfed the OP, featured a cheaper skin set, nerfed Killjoy and Raze, introduced more agent composition variety by nerfing Sage out of being a must pick, and released a new map 3 months ahead of schedule?

Yeah stop your bitching about how they aren't listening.

This map was originally going to come out in Episode 2 as planned, but many of us on the project felt it was worth buckling down hard and getting it finished to release it early. My role in that process as a researcher was understanding how players felt about it, and when it was clear to us how badly y’all wanted a fifth map, it was easy for us to get this schedule upheaval prioritized.

Riot’s not perfect - we’ll continue to make mistakes, but at the very least I hope you all can trust that we genuinely do care and we do listen.


Originally posted by VictoriousX

i am having issues with Singapore 1 Server and i am connecting from singapore can u take a look too

When did those issues start? are they recent?


It helps if you include your location and which ISP you're using in these types of posts (makes it actionable in case there is something we can do to influence it). Can you post a traceroute to ?


The Georgia servers were working fine the whole time. Your ISP finally finished connecting directly to them instead of going via Texas to get there.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Surgicalcell

I too want to empty Pwyff’s trash shoot, however for it to be moral, we must marry before hand.


05 Oct


Originally posted by L0kitheliar

I get that they're pointing friend groups with large skill disparity towards unrated, but it kinda sucks that there's nothing to play FOR in unrated. Even a win counter, or showing MMR would give players incentive to try to win at it, without it actually mattering too much

We hear ya. Nothing concrete planned but wanted to acknowledge that this is a problem statement we're looking into.


Originally posted by OddinaryEuw

I'm hoping this "demand for team based content" will end up in a Clash type system like in League ! Very good changes so far, thanks Riot

We're excited on our end to get this team based feature up and rolling but it'll be a bit before its out live - its a large feature. More details in the future!


Originally posted by D3ngG

DAVIE504 Looking ass

Pretty good looking fella, huh?


Originally posted by RebelRaisins

milkcow looks so tired lmao

Can confirm, am tired.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Krishnacz

Pwyff is sus

no no i was following you so you would follow me back and watch me empty leaves from the trash chute come on

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

five skins in the avalanche skin set


This made me so happy to see! Excellent editing skills :D