
Valorant Dev Tracker

01 Oct


Normally, we don't want to add to the publicity of any individual case, but because this one's getting a little out of hand: Mika is innocent.

We've completed a thorough investigation of Mika's gameplay, and while the clips might be suspicious individually, we're confident that cheating software was not utilized for the accused sessions.

Keep the reports coming, but leave the sentencing to us. !pin


Originally posted by FINISHERTXTO

SEA server. Jio fiber. From 72 ping in the past 2 months to 100+ ping. Please run a maintainable on the servers often.. the desync makes it frustrating and unplayable.

When did you notice increased ping? Do you happen to know the day you noticed the increase?

Do you happen to know which server shows up with the lowest ping for you (if you look in the custom game drop down list)? Based on the ISP, i would guess Singapore, but want to be sure i'm checking the right routing.


Originally posted by TwoGauls

Spectrum, and I believe it was around Monday.

thank you for the info, going to look into it.


What ISP are you playing from? Also do you know what day it started for you?


This is currently a bug happening as of 1.09 that slipped through and is happening to a few ultimates. We have a fix that we are testing that we are looking to deploy once we have it ready, sorry!

30 Sep


This is awesome! Nice work! I sent this to our super Viper fan on the team and I'm sure she's geeking out.


Originally posted by veryblueberry

Even the lead balance designer called him out on it.

LMAO Blau is not the lead balance designer, he's in Insights like me, but working on future unannounced projects in R&D. He does not work on any aspect of Valorant, just likes the game and likes to meme on Twitter


Originally posted by itsmeChis

Mendo tweets a lot talking about the state of the game. Sometimes comes off as whiny. So, they’re shooting the messenger.

Mendo had a good tweet later on, basically telling Tailored that the nerfs were locked in and that one content creator sitting down with a Dev, for a video, does not mean he had a say in anything.

It should go without saying that we don't balance off of stuff like this. We had been reviewing a lot of data and having lots of philosophical conversations around the Operator for quite some time which culminated in these conversations - we'd been testing these changes internally for weeks before Nick ever had that interview with Mendo.


Late to the party, but I actually was chatting with some folks on the team about this yesterday before seeing this thread, I had the same thought!

There's a built in fire rate cooldown that runs on the gun regardless of whether you swap away from the weapon or not. This means you're not actually getting a faster fire rate by doing this. If you watch closely in the video, the player is not immediately firing after scoping when not knife swapping, but is immediately firing after scoping when knife swapping. This accounts for the discrepancy in fire rates. If you fire immediately after zooming in both cases and time it out or watch the videos side by side, the rate of fire should be identical. I made this clip to demonstrate and counting frames between shots locally, they are the same. ...

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Originally posted by enigmax95

Not sure if this is related but the game freezing has been a long standing issue. I play too much (at least 4 hours a day) and once or twice a week I'll get the freeze either at the end of round or during buy phase after start of round.

Entire game is frozen but PC isn't (I run windowless mode). Always recovers after 10 seconds or so but when it unfreezes my character is sent in the direction I was last moving. Which seems to indicate the client is still possibly sending data out to the server of the last user input.

Sounds like this issue is just becoming more common rather than new... (from my experience and what I'm reading).

Edit: I was wrong. The issue I mentioned is different. I had the same error occur just now and tried to make a process dump but it didn't make one. Kept saying it was making one then the prompt just disappeared.

What you're describing is a different issue, as this one ends up with the game being perma-frozen


Originally posted by protagonistjeep

Hi zealous any news on the servers ? Patch 1.09 is out and first strike tournament was announced for ME.

The next thing you hear will be an official announcement, you won't hear a date from me


Originally posted by Mazzik

Could we perhaps get full patchnotes then? Like it is nice ur fixing things but we as players cannot give feedback when u are stealth changing things.

Not sure I agree that fixing bugs is "stealth changing things", but if we did put this in patch notes it'd be next patch, and those notes are not yet published, so you might be making an incorrect assumption that it won't be in the patch notes.


Originally posted by Koalifier

We're aware of an issue where the game is freezing at the end of a round for some players. We're looking for more information and need your help - if you encounter this issue, please don't close the game right away!

First, follow this guide to get a process dump from VALORANT while the game is frozen. You can follow this guide to see how to get that -

If you are able to get a process dump, please send it to me directly!

If you had a freeze and came here to report it but don't have a dump, that's okay too. Please comment in this thread explaining what happened so we can try to nail down any common factors. Thanks!

EDIT: We've put out a fix, let me know if you're still having the issue!



We're aware of an issue where the game is freezing at the end of a round for some players. We're looking for more information and need your help - if you encounter this issue, please don't close the game right away!

First, follow this guide to get a process dump from VALORANT while the game is frozen. You can follow this guide to see how to get that -

If you are able to get a process dump, please send it to me directly!

If you had a freeze and came here to report it but don't have a dump, that's okay too. Please comment in this thread expla...

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