
Valorant Dev Tracker

23 Sep


Originally posted by Shot_Consequence9181

Hi, when hill the fix be applied, because a few months later and I am still missing my items? Thanks for the help in advance!

Hi! I recommend you email player support if you’re still missing the items.


Originally posted by Kabzon4ik

That's so cool to hear!

Also please clarify this for me because I am really confused now: will the finals be LAN or not? Those that are from 3rd to 6th of December. Just for me it seems now as those qualifiers will determine the best team within a region and then they will all play together or am I wrong here?

It'll depend on the region as some of the finals will be on LAN, but given the pandemic still causing travel to be risky in most regions, the majority will likely be online.


Hey everyone, excited to unveil these plans to you all! We're looking forward to First Strike and seeing if any teams rise up to challenge the ones that showcased their skills during Ignition Series. Crowning regional champions and enabling teams to continue building their regional legacy are things we hope to achieve as we close out Episode 1 and head into 2021!

Our teams across the globe are hard at work to deliver First Strike to you all and we're looking forward to your feedback.


Originally posted by Kabzon4ik

Now I am REALLY exited to see production level from Riot themselves on a VALORANT tournament. BLAST and others were great, but I really want to see how it will be nailed down from the creators of the game

Great times ahead us guys!

We were quite impressed with some of the production value during Ignition series - those TOs are pushing our teams to step up! Looking forward to seeing what you all think.


Originally posted by Heeeeather

It'd be nice if eventually all regions could compete against each other, like they do in CS.

Couldn't agree more - our team can't wait to see the likes of Sentinels, TSM and more take on G2 and the best Europe has to offer. The pandemic is unfortunately causing us to find alternatives to global LAN competition - which led us to First Strike - as we're prioritizing the safety of pros and staff. Once we're through this, rest assured you'll see major events where regions face off against each other!


Originally posted by vecter

I was equally confused. Then I clicked on the tweet and read the follow-up tweets.

tl;dr Players with offensive names will be forced to change them.

Yup, to your point the VAL tweets above have more info. To make sure its clear, we have leveled up our automation around handling changing inappropriate names. So when you see a name that is crossing the line and send in a report, we'll be swiftly making them change their name to something in line with naming standards / our code of conduct.


Hello, out of curiosity are you still running into this?

Today we are thrilled to announce the first major VALORANT esports tournament - First Strike. This event will crown the first regional champions for the game, allowing players and teams to showcase their greatness through merit based qualifiers that will culminate in multiple regional finals in December.

VALORANT is a deeply competitive title, one for which esports is a critical extension of the experience we want to provide to players. First Strike will be the first tournament produced by Riot Games and an important foundational step to establishing regional legacy. As we continue to plan ahead for the future, our approach will continue to be heavily driven by the core principles shared earlier this year. 

For those who are aspiring to compete in First Strike, start building and practicing with your rosters now. Regional qualifiers will begin in the second half of October and we’ll be releasing additional details about rules, policies, and how to register in th...

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Hey and welcome to another VALORANT Community Spotlight, our ongoing series where we show you some of the good trends in our community.

Today, one of our VALORANT illustrators (you might know him from our Episode I art) selects a few of his recent favorite pieces of fan art and talks about why he digs them.

Hello, my name is Ke Su, a.k.a. SUKE. Previously, I worked as part of the League of Legends promo team, and I'm now happily on VALORANT. I love illustrating our characters and it's always fun to see the different ways our fans and players portray them.

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Originally posted by YourAverageAnon99

" especially white men " okay chill there buddy.


Originally posted by Be_Simple

the game has bunch of racist people too.

So, instead of implementing penalties and actions against them you would propose a only black people discord?????

Thats really alarming coming from someone working for riot, U guys really need to change ur mindset!!!

It's not one or the other. Racism and sexism will continue to be met with punishment, and VALORANT has has spun up an entire team focused exclusively on player behavior and social dynamics.

Punishments, however, only treat the symptoms of the broader social disease. What I'm talking about is attacking these social problems, which run way way deeper than just one game, at their source by finding ways to make gaming communities more inclusive and also by investigating our own privilege and prejudices.

22 Sep


Originally posted by Flawedlogic41

Thank you very much, I think what I faced was a placebo early on.

Maybe my mind thinks that turning it on will make me better. Turning it off probably trick my mind that my skills revert back to how it should be.

I had it on+boost and play a couple of games and did fairly the same as if I turn it off. I think with it off, my render time is inconsistent. (.6 to 1.9) It can be low but spikes to high at times. With it on, it's consistent around the 1 area.

I'm still unsure if I should leave boost entirely on, but I always want max efficiency in my games. My CPU is Ryzen 5 3600 and my GPU is Nvidia 1070. I'm sure my spec doesn't counteract each other and since it's more cpu side.

In general, I would recommend having Boost on. It doesn't overclock your card or anything. It just gives the settled clock rate a slight bump up.


Originally posted by funkybandit

u/Koalifier I’m not sure if your aware of this. But the support tickets won’t submit 😔

Works for me just fine, and we have lots of support tickets in the queue as usual. Maybe you need to try clearing your saved logins / browser cookies? Try submitting a ticket from a different website? Make sure you're in the right region. Maybe you're logging in with an EU account while using a VPN that makes the website think you should be in NA? Stuff like that could mess it up.