
Valorant Dev Tracker

22 Sep


Originally posted by pattperin

My frames are capped in all games (valorant included) at 160 fps, but my games all now run at 157-158, and is much less stable overall in terms of FPS and responsiveness. I have tried both boost and no boost, and the results are the same. When I play fortnite, holding that 157-158 is nearly impossible now as well. Not sure what the issue is but its been happening since the new driver update. Fortnite was struggling a bit already, but this driver has made the games performance worse, and in Valorant my FPS is generally higher than in fortnite, but even it doesnt feel as stable in terms of gameplay or FPS.

I play on a R5 3600 and a GTX 1660 super

Edit: running at 157-158 vs 160 isn't a big deal, as I have it capped below my monitors refresh rate (165hz) due to G-Sync anyways, but its the drops and instability getting to me

Have you tried turning Reflex off? Does that make a difference? If it's a driver issue you might need to reach out to NVIDIA and let them know your specific card is having a small decrease in FPS with the driver.


Originally posted by Flawedlogic41

Is having a high render time good or bad? And it increase as I turn it on.

You want low render time in general. However, you care more about total time and input latency. If Render time goes up but input latency and total time go down that's still a win.


Originally posted by YoMomInYogaPants

somehow this update made my valorant shot register great, but 456.38 is giving me insane stuttering/screen tearing in League Of Legends ( it shows 144fps but feels like im at 25).. im on a 3700x + 2080 OC. The stuttering started in league right after restart post-install 456.38....

i rolledback to previous version and the tearing goes away?

i must say it helped on valorant but it ruined my LoL experience

Can you report this to NVIDIA support (and/or LoL Support)? I'm not sure of everything they included in the driver and if it could hurt LoL perf in some way.


Originally posted by Pjay97

But isn‘t promoting a system like „female only discord“ the wrong move? Your basically dividing and estranging the community and the community wont grow and start maturing. IMO

That's a fair question. Safe spaces aren't the same thing as forcing the community apart. They're a place for members of marginalized groups to reconvene and recuperate in a supportive and inclusive environment.

Consider the alternative: if the community insisted everyone interact all the time then we're actually asking the marginalized groups to bear more of a burden by putting up with abuses that those with privilege don't have to worry about.

Edit: change the word forced to insisted to clarify my point.


Originally posted by sAsHiMi_

f**k off with the "white men" shit.

Calling out white men isn't a cheap shot here. Racism shows up too, often based on nothing more than an accent. So does homophobia, transphobia, religious prejudice, pretty much every prejudice out there.

Let me give an example. If you're online in a multiplayer FPS and someone says on comms "I'm about to say the gamer word," you know exactly which word that person has in mind. That's how commonplace racism can become in the gaming space, and white men are pretty much the only ones who don't need help to feel accepted.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is a terrific example of why creating an atmosphere of psychological safety is not only vital but also the responsibility of the whole community.


Solid sh*tposting. Sarge salutes you.


Originally posted by RaddAndSubtract

Playing with my wife can be strange, people get so weird even a girl is playing.

It's not just you though. I might be done with competitive until they get a phone number verification in the game after three competitive games in a row with teamkilling or third round DC with the same 'deranking to carry my bro' line.

people get so weird even a girl is playing

There's a really interesting theory about why men and boys behave this way, and personally I think there's a good deal of truth to it. The idea is that men, especially white men, a feel possessive of online gaming. They think it's "their" space, and harassing women is done to drive women out. You can read more about it here.

It's an interesting idea because it throws out hand-w...

Read more

Wildly inaccurate. Peach season is in June. How are there not more Rioters in this thread pointing that out?

21 Sep


Originally posted by Flawedlogic41

Hey Brent Meister, turning it off won't change anything correct?

I just had a game where I had it on and my shoots doesn't feel accurate. With it off I felt more consistent.

I check the in graph and turning it on actually increase the render time.

Turning it off will just return it to working like it did before. I am interested in your case though. Do you have a vide of it occurring & your specs? If anything I'd imagine it making the game time take longer but not the render time. Very very odd that it would increase render time.


sorry to necro an older thread but i am taking a look at this soon!

20 Sep


Originally posted by iJayR6

Hey, so I've been wanting to buy the Elderflame Collection as a pack ever since it came out because I decided it was a really good deal, but I was too late unfortunately. Do you have a planned schedule to release only new skins as packs for a set amount of time or is it unplanned and you'll start re-releasing older packs when you run out of new skins? Thanks!

We don’t currently have any plans to feature old bundles, so the only way to get old stuff is to buy it in the rotating store. I think if you get all the skin line’s weapons in the rotating store and then see the melee, the melee should be $0/free (don’t buy the melee first!). But don’t quote me on that. I recommend checking with player support! If you do it this way, you won’t get the accessory pack though (those are only available when you buy the full bundle in the featured store).

19 Sep


Originally posted by Everdale


We saw server strings added to the recent build. Does that mean we expect them to be active by the next patch? 👀

No... But very soon™!

18 Sep


Originally posted by Tammu1000CP

but doesnt it say that it only supports post 900 series cards? :((( i agree with you tho i know exactly what youre talking about, when theres alot of utility i feel like my games lagging alot even tho my fps isnt really dropping but everything feels so choppy

Officially it supports 900 series cards or higher. We've run tests with 750 cards and seen it working. We're actually investigating an issue right now where it might be lowering FPS on 750 TI cards. Despite the lower FPS we're still seeing decreased input latency so it will probably feel better with Reflex turned on. If it feels worse you can always turn it off in the settings menu as well. We're working with NVIDIA to look into the FPS dip to figure out if it's our specific GPU or indicative of a wider issue.


Originally posted by Slimelord0

Would you recommend capping the fps, or leaving it uncapped? When capped at the refresh rate it stays at 14-16 game to render latency, and 5 render latency. When uncapped, it had around 10-12 game to render latency, sometimes spiking up to 17, and render latency of 5-7. It seems weird that capped is way more consistent render latency, but slightly higher on average.

I always recommend uncapped personally unless your framerate is so high it's causing issues. For programs likes OBS we've seen issues where if you go above 300FPS it starts to stutter. You can see in the graph how uncapped is helping your latency numbers! If you're hitting big spikes uncapped you might check that you're adequately cooling your system to prevent temps from causing your system to throttle.