
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]


I don't think they impact one another directly per se but both technologies are an attempt to reduce latency so they'll stack up together nicely.


Adding on from the Val Competitive perspective, to Revenancer’s point we wanted to do something quickly to address repeat offenders of our code of conduct, and while players can always mute these highly disruptive teammates, that puts the onus on the other 4 players on their team to have to deal with a potential barrage of bad behavior first and personally take action to stop it. Along with that if you mute someone who is already dead set to antagonize you and ignore them, it may lead them to try other more game play impacting ways to ruin your game.

While we want to create an environment where teammates work together and everyone feels safe using voice as a potential tool to do so, to be candid that’s not the case today, and for players who either can’t use voice, aren't comfortable using it, or know that they have/had a hard time controlling their voice behavior we want to provide avenues for them to still compete without absolutely having to use voice by leveraging curre...

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    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Riot_Revenancer

Hi, I'm a designer on the central player dynamics group (read: behavior) and my team is involved in the current penalties experience on Valorant, so I want to give a bit of context. Currently, we're only issuing restrictions on comms for a couple reasons:

  1. When Valorant launched, we started seeing lots of reports of really disruptive behavior particularly in voice and so we prioritized getting out something to protect players from that harm fast rather than wait for the perfect solution. Knowing this is the case, we chose to focus on a what we felt was a softer penalty that has less potential for player harm. What we have today isn't what we intend to be the final solution and we're working on making it better - although I think folks would be mad if I tried to give any sense of when here :P
  2. More philosophically, our goal is to try to match the type of penalty to the type of offense so as to prevent a disruptive player from causing that type of harm again. Mos...
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Originally posted by thats_life_PD


I updated to the latest drivers to get reflex, but with reflex on my game latency shoots up to 110+ms, when I turn it off it goes down to 13ms. Should older systems not use reflex?

My specs:

intel core i5-45900 3.3GHz

8gb ram

win7 64 bit

Nvidia Gforce GTX 960

Gsync 144Hz monitor

Hi! We did see this issue after alt+tabbing the game. If you continue to alt+tab, you might notice the game latency eventually climb down, it's definitely something funky with the way the graph is reporting but should not be affecting your gaming experience. Did you alt+tab at any point or did it show 110ms right away?


Originally posted by thats_life_PD


I updated to the latest drivers to get reflex, but with reflex on my game latency shoots up to 110+ms, when I turn it off it goes down to 13ms. Should older systems not use reflex?

My specs:

intel core i5-45900 3.3GHz

8gb ram

win7 64 bit

Nvidia Gforce GTX 960

Gsync 144Hz monitor

So I think this is a problem unique to Windows 7. We measured it using external tools and it's just that the reported latency is wrong. Your actual latency is likely improving. You won't be able to measure your latency properly utilizing the in-game charts unless NVIDIA fixes it in a new driver but reflex should still be reducing your input latency.


Originally posted by Tammu1000CP

will there be any difference for a 750ti?

I actually think you'll see the MOST improvement on a 750 TI. The older the card the more benefit you'll get.


Originally posted by niloy123

So should i turn off boost on low end gpu like 1050?

Boost won't hurt you. It will potentially increase power consumption or heat generation (loud fans).


Originally posted by auruuum

Where can I activate the settings? I have just updated but don't see the setting

It should be under video in the settings menu. You should see reflex if your driver supports it.


Originally posted by UJackU

Hey, I have a 2080TI and am using on + boost. Interestingly my game+render latency will go up if I limit my fps to 144. The higher my fps limit or unlimited I sit around 7-9ms.Limited to 144 I'm 12-14ms.

Limiting your FPS will increase your latency because you're just sitting idle when your computer could be processing frames. Does that make sense? Maybe I am misunderstanding what you're getting at.


Originally posted by xSilverzXx

Thank you!

I have a shit CPU but a good GPU, will turning om "boost" setting be a bad idea?

I don't want anything to effect my FPS

Boost won't hurt you. It will potentially increase power consumption or heat generation (loud fans).


Originally posted by joaovictornh

hello, even with the on + boost option activated my GPU does not exceed 40% of use, when I am in the game menu I use 90% of the GPU and I get 1000 fps, my card is a gtx 1070 ti and the processor it is an i7 8700.

the game is using the GPU more in the menu than in the games.

any suggestion?

I speculated on what could be happening with the GPU here:

BOOST won't affect GPU usage metrics. It should affect clock rate though.


Originally posted by joaovictornh

hello, even with the on + boost option activated my GPU does not exceed 40% of use, when I am in the game menu I use 90% of the GPU and I get 800 fps, my card is a gtx 1070 ti and the processor it is an i7 8700.

the game is using the GPU more in the menu than in the games.

even with these settings my processor or gpu rarely exceeds 40% usage. and my fps is between 230 and 182, but I think it should be bigger and more stable.

any suggestion?

the imgs:

I speculated on what could be happening here:

In terms of CPU you probably have a lot of cores on your system and the game doesn't make use of all them. It's something we're looking to improving in the far future but it's not a quick or easy thing to accomplish.

Note: BOOST won't affect GPU usage metrics. It should affect clock rate though.


Originally posted by stakkkkk

What did you do ? The game is smooth as f**k ! Thank you !

A Dark ritual involving rgb gaming components and thousand dollar hdmi cables

Code stuff, yeah code stuff.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Riot_Revenancer

Hi, I'm a designer on the central player dynamics group (read: behavior) and my team is involved in the current penalties experience on Valorant, so I want to give a bit of context. Currently, we're only issuing restrictions on comms for a couple reasons:

  1. When Valorant launched, we started seeing lots of reports of really disruptive behavior particularly in voice and so we prioritized getting out something to protect players from that harm fast rather than wait for the perfect solution. Knowing this is the case, we chose to focus on a what we felt was a softer penalty that has less potential for player harm. What we have today isn't what we intend to be the final solution and we're working on making it better - although I think folks would be mad if I tried to give any sense of when here :P
  2. More philosophically, our goal is to try to match the type of penalty to the type of offense so as to prevent a disruptive player from causing that type of harm again. Mos...
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Originally posted by faceplant911

I mean, for me the coolest part by far is the mesmerizing ADS color shifting. Like, most of the time in game I don't actually "look" at the skins, but the ADS is something I get a good eyefull of since it's right there around the crosshair. For me, that puts Nebula on a tier above the competition. The only thing you see more during gameplay is custom reloads since you aren't exactly shooting while those happen.

I only hip fire, so for me I get the most fun out of inspecting and equipping pre-round. I'm glad you like the ADS, though because we try to make the ADS interesting without it being too distracting or busy.


Originally posted by faceplant911

Man seasickness is such a shame. I've got multiple friends who haven't played portal purely because of it, makes me sad just thinking about it.

Fortunately Nebula's still pretty cool looking (at least for me) so I guess it's fine.

Portal is the only game that ever made me nauseated! I couldn't play beyond the first 20 mins because of it. :(

I was fine with the Nebula skins, but lots of other people reported motion sickness so the team did a ton of tweaking to get it right. It was a challenge to keep some movement but not also cause motion sickness. We hit some points where the sickness was solved, but the effect was barely visible. And then when we turned it up, it made people sick again. It took several months of tweaking, but we finally hit a good spot with it.


Originally posted by _kikoy

Does this work on gaming laptops as well? Is it advisable?

I have one with an rtx 2060.

Yes and yes