
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

Reflex feels interesting, but with my RTX 2080, the "on + boost" setting doesn't make my GPU stay at a high clock speed?

Somehow my core clock is fluctating between 600Mhz... all the way to 1785Mhz?

I have "Enable Maximum Performance Mode" in the Nvidia Control Panel already, and use the"High" power plan in Windows itself.

No overclock or change applied to the "core clock speed" nor the "memory clock speed" on the GPU.

The card is supposed to have a core clock of 1‎785 MHz... so I find it odd that in the practice range when shooting targets in Valorant. The GPU core clock is cycling between 600Mhz, 785Mhz, 1515Mhz, and 1785Mhz.

Do you have any idea why my card could possibly be clocking up and down this much when in Valorant u/RiotBrentmeister?

Even with the reflex "on + boost" option, it still has this issue.

I get ~380 FPS regardless as I have an i7...

Let me lead with caveats. Riot didn't develop the Reflex SDK. NVIDIA did. I'm also not an expert on NVIDIA's clock determination algorithms or how the tool you're using is measuring it.

That being said I'll give you my totally not official wild guess based on what I know.

Everything beyond this point is speculation.

The final clock rate ends up being the culmination of several multipliers. If you were going to make a clock rate controller you'd probably have a multiplier for current activity that is either very low or very high based on if the GPU is currently in use. You'd probably have a multiplier that is based on usage in the last second. You might have an additional multiplier that acts like a "boost". Boost might just be bumping up a boost multiplier that keeps the "usage in the last second" multiplier from capping your clock rate too low. You'd probably still want an activity multiplier to keep from just idling at max frequency all th...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

u/RiotBrentmeister hey is this legal?

IANAL so not going to comment but if you're interested in what legal uses of our IP include read this article:


Originally posted by DanksForTheMemories

awesome thanks for the response! you guys are by far the most responsive dev team i’ve ever seen it’s fantastic

Thank you! Y'all all the best players you're fantastic!


Originally posted by hi1234258

I have a 1080ti with a 240hz monitor and run settings all at low, would you recommend boost or just keep it on?

I'd give BOOST a shot and see if it makes a difference for you. It's really hard to predict how much it will help different specs. Easiest to just test it out. Overall, it can't really hurt to put it on BOOST if you don't mind the additional power draw.


Originally posted by schoof31

There is a bug: when you enable all 12 stats to show their graph, it only shows a maximum of 10...

Good find. I think we missed this in our testing. Do you play with all the graphs on? They take up so much screen space when they're all on. I only ever use 3 at a time.


Originally posted by LuciferNeko

I have i3-3210 with gtx750 so i shouldnt use "boost" right. And just leave it On (default)?

BOOST can't really hurt you. Test it out and see if it makes a difference on your specific machine! If you run into overheating problems just go back to "On".


Originally posted by RDKBBALL

Hey! I do really appreciate your explanation.

So the basic option, after installing the new drivers, should always be ON, from what I understand and I do not need setting anything myself after I've just installed the drivers.

May I ask you a bit different topic? The 'network buffering' setting. There was an article about people abusing it by setting to 'Maximum' to get a small advantage from it.

Is it true?

Can you link the article? It's not my area of expertise but this doesn't sound true to me. I'd want to read the full article to get an idea of the claims before commenting on them.


Originally posted by Solace1k

Do laptops benefit from this?

Yes, any NVIDIA cards 900 series are newer are guaranteed to support this feature. Even laptop gpus!


Originally posted by nickwithtea93

Should reflex be disabled for those of us who experience no frame drops when playing valorant? I have the game capped at 230 fps and under no circumstance does it ever move from 230 fps. But from what you said about it having no performance hit - sounds like it should still be left on anyway?

And this is bypassing the max pre-render frame setting? Sort of like a super 'reduce buffering' setting?

We recommend leaving it on always since there is no negative impact to having it on. We let you toggle it off in case players ran into issues with it for some reason.

It doesn't affect pre-rendered frames per se but yeah both settings affect impact latency. Reflex can help regardless of your number of pre-rendered frames.


Originally posted by MaestroLA

/u/RiotBrentmeister hehe thanks man. Now the only thing's missing is the fiber internet and a 240/360hz monitor to replace my old 144hz one. Then I'm ready for some pro level stuff :D

Me too! See you in RADIANT my friend.


Originally posted by khazadl

Do I need to update the drivers in order to see that new option? I don't see any Nvidia reflex option

Yes, you need to be sure to install the newest NVIDIA drivers that just released this morning.


Originally posted by _Tono

thank mr rito

mr rito's my dad. He says you're welcome mr _Tono


Originally posted by ISwearImCis

Hey, thanks for the response!

I have a laptop with a RTX 2060, and can get around 230fps average with it in mid settings.

I couldn't really see any difference in the graphs that you mentioned (input latency caused by CPU and GPU). Does this mean I'm most likely CPU bound instead of GPU?


Yeah you're probably fully CPU bound in whatever scenario you are testing. You may (or may not) run into GPU bound scenarios depending on whats going on in game, so it's fine to leave it On. Did you try the BOOST setting too?


Originally posted by ItzWarty

Interesting! Not sure if you can talk about how the tech works? I'm curious to know if it's just late-bound constant buffers, so that after dispatching draw calls you can push a latest camera matrix. Or maybe it's more like asynchronous space warp / extrapolation with reprojection since you said this is best for GPU-bound scenarios? We have stuff like that for VR where input lag means motion sickness. The alternative would be hardware actually reading mouse input to get even lower latency, though I presume that's too far and isn't what nvidia pursued.

This article by NVIDIA describes how/why it works! It explains it far better than I can.


Originally posted by mthayes

Is this tied to Geforce Experience? I'd rather not have that installed but currently Nvidia website says there are no new drivers for my card (RTX 2060).

This does not require Geforce Experience. However, it does require the latest driver so you'll need to update that manually if you don't have Geforce Experience installed.


Originally posted by Flawedlogic41

For the boost option, turning on will give high end graphic card a boost.

I have a 1070 but I'm unsure if it's smart to use it.

It should but it may be minor. The easiest way for you to know is to test it for yourself!


Originally posted by Dtrayn19

How do you enable the Boost setting? Is it in the GeForce Experience?

There is a setting for Reflex under video settings in-game.


Originally posted by Devilishola

Hey, thanks for the good instruction, you're always very helpful.

Could you give a very brief example of when to leave it "On" or when to put it on "On + Boost"? Do you only put it on "Boost" mode when the GPU is below 40% usage?

In general:

I'd say use boost if you want the best input latency. Full stop, if you want the best latency use boost.

If you care about how much power your GPU uses or the fans being loud bother you, disable boost.


Originally posted by Electron_Blue

Any plans of offering "boost" or a similar feature to owners of AMD cards as well, if it's something that's doable on your side?

My card is sitting below 50% utilization most of the time, and I'd be interested in seeing how this would affect the framerate.


We'd be happy to integrate an AMD SDK if it can offer similiar functionality. I believe there are third party and AMD offerings that can do similar things today.


Originally posted by DanksForTheMemories

so the setting for boost is in game or do i have to go into nvidia settings to enable it? at work rn so i can’t check for myself

The boost setting is an option in-game and overrides any NVIDIA control panel setting.