
Valorant Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by DinkleDoge

Aww man y’all got this figured out! You guys playing 4d chess and I’m still thinking like checkers haha.
What are your thoughts on skins which are made by the community? I know the valorant team are pretty careful with how they design skins, would you ever consider releasing that criteria to the public so that the community can make skins which have a real chance at being in the game? The valorant beta was dropped through twitch, so would you consider dropping commemorative items from tournaments and large valorant events in the same manner?
If You’re gonna keep responding to the thread I’m gonna keep asking questions until I run out >:)

i get pinged on these so ill see them and if there's something i can respond to ill try :)

for community skins, i dont think we'd ever just take something thats made by the community, but its very possible at some point in time we would make something with the community. League did a similar thing where they had a tristana skin that the community voted on and it was basically made with the community's input.

for the twitch drops and such im not sure on that one since thats a strategy well beyond my realm. we're always down to support content being made for events or new methods of acquisition but its up to the folks who actually run that to handle that part of the planning of it


Originally posted by zurtab_

Thank you for the feedback man I appreciate a lot that you took the time to write this all down. If I may ask: How do you texture the Guns in Valorant ? Is it all handpainted or do you use eg. Substance?

we use substance painter, but its a mix. probably around 80-90% of the textures are procedural using our own existing smart materials. lots of mask editors using position, curvature, and worldspace normal to just get some color and gradient variety. most of our general surface detail is also just tiling stylized splotch textures, and then we go in to do that last little bit by hand to hand place alphas and such along edges or in certain areas of interest to create variation


Originally posted by m20KEW

Does that mean you are not banning people that use mouse macros? This would seem to be quite an invite for cheaters. Even though Valorant's recoil patterns aren't as consistent as in CSGO, a recoil macro could be created by anyone with mouse drivers these days. Jump Throws etc. could be made more consistent...

It is very unlikely that turning on mouse macro software will be the trigger for a ban.

If a player is cheating (with mouse macros or whatever) we'll flag them for a ban and depending on our current strategy / specific cheat the ban will take effect some time later. Fast bans are usually a few minutes and slow bans are hours (or days in some cases).

So if a player does something and then is immediately banned it is very likely to be a coincidence.


Originally posted by Rohbo

Your anti-cheat is unreasonably aggressive towards things that aren't actually cheats despite, as will always be the case with anti-cheats, hackers still getting through. There is regular everyday software it stops me from even opening when it's running. Not "gives me an error and closes Valorant," but "restricts my PC from opening the software." It won't even let me open Guild Wars 2 if Vanguard is up and running.

Is there any way for you to discern if it was actual cheating or just Vanguard missing the mark (again)?

If Vanguard is blocking software (and not the game) you should let me know because we disabled that feature during beta.


Originally posted by WowWhatWhyHow

u/RiotArkem, I keep hearing this more and more and I am getting really concerend. I remember Mixwell getting banned by Vanguard in the beta for plugging a usb cable from his pc into his phone. And I kinda have the bad gutfeeling that if he wouldn't be a streamer and cs pro, he would've got the "we don't give info to vanguard bans and close the ticket now" treatment. I believe there are many eleborate stories from cheaters ... but I kinda have the feeling, some are legit false bans. Aand it kinda gets me worried, since it could hit everyone then. Maybe one day I open up my Photoshop and it got an update and now your Vanguard thinks its a cheat. How will you prevent that? why is your support not giving specifics to bans? People shove hundreds, some even thousands into your store and yet your support doesn't give out information on bans? what the hell??

Mixwell was never banned, he just saw an error message that required the client to restart.


Originally posted by DinkleDoge

Ohhh this makes lots of sense, it’s just that as players we don’t notice the archetypes yet since there’s only one or two skins in each archetype so far. This was a super cool comment, thanks for the insight :)

yeah ideally at some point when there's enough we've talked about splitting up or making a collections filter to categorize them that way. also at some point that carousel is generally gonna get too big anyway :P


Originally posted by DinkleDoge

Now that I’ve got your attention, when can I spend my radiant on a gold luxe melee? :P

Seriously though you guys knocked this one out of the park, I was expecting the reaver set to come back and this is mind blowing. I noticed that the slide on the dragon vandal and the animations of the knife are similar to the reaver set, is elder flame the final evolution of that skin set?

Keep up the good work!

nah elderflame is its own thing made separate from Reaver. there are always going to be some similarities between skin animations for key points of contact on the guns.

the melees are still something that we've never really explicitly talked about but the way we internally think about them is sort of in an archetypal format. in the same way a skin like the luxe vandal or aristocrat ares adheres to the base animations and vfx, traditionally a melee would do the same unless we built it to do something it wasnt meant to do.. sort of how we take the Prime Vandal and give it a transforming reload animation.

rather than limit ourselves to using the same 1 melee slot and finding different ways to fit new shapes and features into the same motions, we created archetypes to fit into new versions of a melee so that some can feel like a fresh take. this way we dont have to make everything from scratch every single time. like i mentioned with the guns, we do redesign the shapes...

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Originally posted by lazulus

Oh, do you have an idea of what it might be then? I could also see it sort of being Reaver Sheriff. Looks a little too chunky on the top to have been a classic to me

It's the Prime Classic!


i posted in another thread but ill copy my response here

This is 100% my fault - im sorry.

Context: The lv1 Elderflame Vandal has a pose that makes it so you dont end up clipping the magazine through the arms on reload. In the collections page it looks kind of weird, like this odd T-Rex choking itself kind of thing :P

I wanted to default the pose to something more neutral, but in this case that pose broke where the buddy should be (its on the plates on his mid section behind the arm). It does position itself correctly when in game, its just on the collections view for lv1 and 2 that it is misplaced.

Ill fix this in the next patch


Originally posted by jchops1

i see u commenting alot recently thats sick

now goodnight im going to sleep early so i can get my permit :)

ALSO cant wait to buy that cute ass frenzy dragonnnn tomorrow

Driving permit? That's awesome, good luck!

Yay! I hope you like the Frenzy. He's a cutie.


i posted in another thread but ill copy my response here

This is 100% my fault - im sorry.

Context: The lv1 Elderflame Vandal has a pose that makes it so you dont end up clipping the magazine through the arms on reload. In the collections page it looks kind of weird, like this odd T-Rex choking itself kind of thing :P

I wanted to default the pose to something more neutral, but in this case that pose broke where the buddy should be (its on the plates on his mid section behind the arm). It does position itself correctly when in game, its just on the collections view for lv1 and 2 that it is misplaced.

Ill fix this in the next patch


This is 100% my fault - im sorry.

The lv1 Elderflame Vandal has a pose that makes it so you dont end up clipping the magazine through the arms on reload. In the collections page it looks kind of weird, like this odd T-Rex choking itself kind of thing :P I wanted to default the pose to something more neutral, but in this case that pose broke where the buddy should be (its on the plates on his mid section behind the arm).

Ill fix this in the next patch


Originally posted by Rohbo

I don't expect any automated system to be perfect. What I do expect is that support staff be willing to fairly assess it on a case-by-case when appeals are made rather than spinning every angle they can to defend the restriction despite it being a miss by the system.

It's a priority to impove these systems:

It'll be great if they do, but this has been going on for quite a while and Riot has a habit of saying they're working on something and then it falling by the wayside. Here's hoping this isn't one such example in the future. That said, again, there are problems beyond the automated systems.

That being said, not getting a restriction in chat is fully in one's control.

Yes. You can mute all and not chat at all...

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I'm just saying engaging with people trying to troll is never going to end well. It'll just get you more upset.

I don't think calling something out as inappropriate in chat is worthy of punishment. I do think there are constructive comments and unconstructive comments. I also think people often think their comments are innocuous or constructive when they're not.

I've played league for 11 years with all chat on and have thusfar avoided restrictions and, last i checked, any reports. My approach in comms is i'm saying something tactical/useful for team info or calling out positive moments in the game for teammates. If the chat's not helping the team with valuable info or not lifting someone up, it's probably not worth typing.


Originally posted by Sordino54

I like these skins, but for $100 I would think they would have dealt with this...

Sorry! It works in the game. It's broken in Collections, though. We didn't catch this bug until it was too late to fix. :(


Hi! That's a bug in the Collections screen. It works in-game. We didn't catch the bug until the build had already been cut, so it was too late to fix. :(


It works in-game. It's just broken in the Collection view. :(

We found this bug too late to catch it in time for the build. :'(


I appreciated the Cat Empire track, awesome edit!


very cool! all the bolts and rivets and such add a really nice touch to this - the main blitzcrank chest piece thats on the side is really well incorporated. you're definitely getting the blitzcrank vibe from this and the modeled in lightning is a great add!

one thing to note when it comes to the valorant style of texturing is that we dont rely so much on grunge maps or and such to give this overly detailed look. a lot of the work we do in texture focuses more of softer gradients going across the weapon from front to back or top to bottom, using your AO as a color mask to add some variety (like some purples, blues, and greens mixed in!!) and really focus on highlighting the main forms and shapes of the weapon, with occasional larger roughness hits or edge markups.