
Valorant Dev Tracker

04 Jul

03 Jul


Originally posted by jlonso

The crosshair placement, map awareness.


IKR? That crosshair placement was better than some adults.


Originally posted by Rainbowmint

The real question is who's the hungry mf who made all the food buddies in the battle pass

That was me and u/oniram177. Yes, we like food.


Originally posted by swellington703

I had a lot of fun looking around the maps for the other designs. Without spoiling anything, should I keep looking around for anything else? I thought I had some ideas for another slight Easter-egg or hidden lore snippet. :)

It’s never a bad thing to wander around and theorize!

02 Jul


Originally posted by Fountain_Hook

Sure! Windows 7 64-bit latest version:

Installing the driver should give you the files. If it does not, please tell me and i'll upload them.

Thank you for taking the time to try to fix this. Currently the only way i run the game is closing the driver, opening game then opening driver again. :p

Ok, I'm looking into it. These drivers look pretty old but maybe we can find a way to whitelist them.


Originally posted by alexx3064


My wrist hurts just reading this comment

This is Ask VALORANT. We collect your questions and select a few to get answered every other week. This round we tackle cross-region play, pick and ban system, and a possible deathmatch-type mode.


Do you have any plans to change the aim punch? Like, each weapon getting a different amount of aim punch?


Not at the moment, but I do think there’s an opportunity to lessen aim punch in extreme cases, for example, a long fire from a pistol or shotgun that is inflicting minimal damage with lots of fall off.

—Trevor Romleski, Senior Game Designer


Many of us are wondering, will there be a deathmatch mode?


Deathmatch is absolutely a mode that is coming to VALORANT in the future. We don't have a timetable yet, but it's something where we're actively working on the underlying technology as well as designing, iterating, prototyp...

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Splendid. It's got eurobeat, it's got anime, it's got chroma keys—just love it.

01 Jul


Heyo -- A video would be helpful, if possible.

I believe u/SergeS2K diagnosed the situation correctly: The shots likely hit (and were aimed at) the body/neck while Raze was starting to crouch. So when the screenshots were taken (when the blood VFX have had time to get larger) a few frames later, Raze's head is now where her body/neck was when the shot was fired. I can't really confirm that just from the screenshots, though.

We know that the visual feedback on the hit impacts can be a confusing in these crouching situations. We've got some plans in the works to experiment with changes to make that read better (no timeline on those changes).


Originally posted by grumd

Hey man! I love your work and the game is amazing. Thanks for this, first of all. Also love your great communication in this sub. I've found this thread about FPS because I tried looking if people have the same problems as I do.

I'm pretty sure I was getting 400+ fps constantly before (didn't actually record it though, so small chance that I'm wrong here), but played yesterday and saw drops below 250, down to 200-220 fps from time to time. It's way too low seeing how I'm using a 240Hz monitor!

I'm using a 9600k at 5.1-5.2GHz, 3600MHz CL17 16Gb RAM, overclocked 1080TI. My GPU is at 30% load and doesn't even boost to full clockspeeds unless I set graphics settings to High, so probably a CPU issue? CPU is at low % load as well though.

My question is, is FPS dropping to ~220 expected for a 6-core CPU overclocked to 5.2GHz? I was under impression that my hardware is best-care scenario right here, but I can't play with FPS above my monitor's refre...

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Your experience is the one we measure as well. So nothing odd happening there. You're right that in these FPS drops scenarios you're hitting CPU limitations and not GPU ones. We're working on smoothing the framerate out in VALORANT overtime. We've had a number of fixes in the 1.0/1.01/1.02 patches and have further improvement planned but we've already done a lot of the low hanging fruit. We'll continue to patch performance work as it gets through development and testing. Your machine will likely have 240 (or more) completely smooth one day. I don't think any player ever got 400FPS completely smooth in VALORANT. The data we have just doesn't support that. I can say that VALORANT's performance now (according to the data we have) is the best it's ever been. Maybe MAYBE a 1% drop in performance from 1.02 but at the same time we did resolve several known FPS dips so I think framerate got smoother in 1.02 but maybe a 1% dip in the average framerate which we aren't targeting optimization...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


We saw this post (and I repro'd it on live myself along with a coworker) and are aiming to fix it!