
Valorant Dev Tracker

23 Jun


Originally posted by iConcy

Another thing with the patch notes...was her reactivation timer on smoke really increased by 5.5 seconds (notes state .5 to 6) or is the .5 a typo, and should actually be 5 so and overall increase of 1 second, not 5.5?

Increase of 1 second to a 6 second total cool down on Q activations. It went from 5 sec cd last patch to 6 sec cd this patch.


Originally posted by manbrasucks

Oh thank god it's 1 second cd not 5.5seconds.

Poison Orb activation cooldown increased :: .5s >>> 6s

Thought it was the time it took to expand or something because of the . in .5s

It’s a 1 second increase in the cool down. Previously you had to wait 5 seconds to reactivate your Q after previously activating it, now you have to wait 6


Originally posted by sektret

Some friends and I used it in probably 4 games but we lost all of them because we were just hopping out of the ground in front of them to have fun. Would we still be punished for doing this?

Probably not. We're not going through and doing a massive review and trying to overly punish. Scenarios with player reports where it's clearly ruining someone else's game is probably the razor we'll use.

Like ten rounds of teleporting the bomb to site before round start in a game...probably that realm. Generally if goofing off and it doesn't impact the game experience of the team your playing against in a negative way...we're not going to seek that out or act on it.


Originally posted by ancientromanempire

I agree. But I don't think the players deserve to be punished for this either. Just own up to your mistake and move on. It's really not a big deal it only lasted a few hours.

We agree, it's only going to be for very clear cut major abuse of it. If someone's using it three games in a row and spamming it ridiculously...that's more the realm we would consider it.


Originally posted by DisciplinedPenguin

Yea I used the noclip for one spike rush round when I first discovered it and planted before buy phase started to see if I can, but i quickly realized that I don't wanna take a chance, so I personally believe that people that had tested the glitch out once or twice should be spared, maybe I'm being biased though.

We wouldn't punish for a single use when it first came out. It would only be if someone was repeatedly using it to impact a game outcome or majorly being disruptive. I think in general most players know when they're being abusive versus curious. We wouldn't punish for discovery of a bug and understand player who have no ill intent might have used it not fully knowing what was going on with it.


Originally posted by 19Dan81

I hope the feedback of player Sentiment is equally represented at all skill levels. It certainly feels like the casual voice is weighing heavy on your decisions sometimes. Do you know if your feedback is coming from a 13 year old Fortnite player? or a 28-30 year old gaming veteran?

We haven't leveraged player sentiment heavily since launch, since we've wanted to give players time to breathe a bit and learn the game (we leveraged it during CB though). We definitely split by engagement and MMR ranges to understand a spectrum of sentiment, so we know what feels frustrating/fair at different skill levels.

Sentiment tends to be more supplementary data - we don't inherently balance off of it and don't have strict "bands" we respect and monitor like we do with game performance data. But, it's helpful for us to understand the player experiences across our audience and contextualize how the performance numbers actually feel.

I imagine you're just using them for the purpose of an example, but yeah we don't filter by age or gaming background to make some opinions more "legitimate" than others. Yall are Valorant players now. We filter by game metrics to understand the player, like MMR, games played, agents played, etc. etc.


Originally posted by Xxav

Patch time for EU and Korea is tomorrow for the US, so no ranked today then basically. Unless I'm terrible at time zones, very possible lol

Their patches are 2pm PDT and 8pm PDT today for kr and eu, respectively.


Originally posted by TuffPeen

/u/Altombre you’ve been awesome with keeping us viper mains in the loop.... would you be able to take a look into this? most annoying part of the gane for me is dying to a boombot i cant see inside my own ult

Loving these new changes as a one trick btw, viper feels a LOT better now

For sure - I'll poke around today and see if there's something weird going on under the hood here.


Originally posted by ancientromanempire

Are you going to take action against the employees that accidentally put it in the game or just the players that used the thing that the employees put in the game?

Edit: full disclosure I haven't even installed the patch yet and haven't used the bug personally so I'm not advocating for myself. Nor do I think that Riot employees should be disciplined for this either. It just bothers me when you talk about punishing the players of your game essentially because of your major screw up. Take some responsibility and stop trying to punish the players for your mistake. They've already been punished enough by this even being in the game.

It was a bug--it happens. Should be pretty clear that there's a difference between a bug that's not a standard path bug and some one repeatedly trying to ruin 9 other people's games by using a clear exploit.


Originally posted by zayoe4

Should be fixed now.

Are you planning on banning players who used the glitch in unranked games to boost their invisible elo?

We will be investigating abuse cases as best as we can. I can't guarantee we'll be able action on everyone, but clear cases we should be able to action.


Originally posted by fitness404

I suppose maybe it started before the fix? 15~ mins ago?

it's possible your game started before the switch happened. We're continuing to keep an eye on it.


Originally posted by fitness404

Definitely not fixed, I'm in a game with a guy abusing it right now.

when did your game start?


Originally posted by reppyOW

Is ranked still rolling out today?

Ranked will rollout sometime after all regions are patched. Given this surprise feature...we're going to make sure we have extra eyes today to make sure we're good to go.

As bad as the impact to unrated experience was...1000x worse if we had had ranked online.


Originally posted by markmanj

The one-way's are already pretty tough to execute on most maps and take a lot of practice and research to even do them properly. She has the worst smoke of the controllers by far and the worst molly, even with this change, and I'm not sure the wall change makes up the nerf to the smoke.

Personally, Viper is one of my most played agents, and I’d take this wall change for a 1 second window between Q activations without batting an eye. That’s not to say we’re not wrong here, we certainly could be, but give it a shot and let us know what you think. I think these changes are going to open up a lot of options for her.


Originally posted by Vexenyte

Hey Altombre, as I believe you are on live balance team, are you able to speak to what happened to the supposed Guardian price decrease that was coming?

I'm also curious if any Reyna changes are planned down the road, not necessarily because of her powerlevel but her being frustrating to play against.

I am! We’re testing that Guardian price change internally, just haven’t been able to get enough reps to feel confident shipping it yet. Stay tuned on that one, if we go forward with it next patch seems like the likely candidate.

We’re gathering some updated player sentiment on Reyna this week to understand player perceptions of her, so it’s something we’re keeping an eye on but we don’t see anything super egregious right now in terms of data.


Originally posted by dudlad99

So i assume in the regions where the patch didn't deploy yet, it wont until it's fixed right ?

Correct. We're hoping a mitigation we're testing right now will prevent any delays to other region timing.