
Valorant Dev Tracker

19 Jun


Originally posted by seemlyminor

So first, why can’t you earn VP in the battle pass? Our goal is that when you buy a battle pass, you buy it for the total value of it rather than buying it as a way of getting enough currency to buy the next one. We want the battle pass to be the highest value product we offer as well as a compelling experience, but by adding VP as an incentive we hurt our ability to fund our long-term vision for the battle pass. We'll be doing more studying on the current battle pass to make sure that you feel like it offers great value and will continue to make sure that the content within it justifies the price.

Now the second question: long-term, what are Radianite points for? Our plan is to have Radianite Points become the evolving currency of VALORANT. So as we develop new features, we hope you'll be able to use it to buy more Gun Buddies, upgrade Player Cards and Sprays in addition to what is currently just weapon skins. We'll make sure to offer ways to spend your Radian...

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Hopefully the second part answers your concerns. We'll make sure to offer ways to spend your Radianite Points on content that is unlocked within the battle pass once we get the fully system in place. That's has always been the plan but making all content types evolve is a big undertaking that we couldn't get in place for launch just yet.

18 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not in the near term. There's a threshold where it can make performance worse not better, and right now our testing has 8 logical cores as the point where it starts providing value.


Originally posted by nicologameurfrancais

oh lord , i feel bad for you ! Everybody talks about it except RIOT.

But at the same time 90% of the player base cant see an issue on hitreg so i think riot ignores it thinking the problem will disapear by magic!

That is absolutely not true. I'm looking for hitreg issues (and talking about hitreg issues) all the time. We care a lot about this- but text anecdotes are a terrible way to go about narrowing down the problem. There are lots of connected systems that are a part of hitreg, investigating off an anecdote is not particularly helpful.

That being said, this video is excellent! Really well done here- just enough footage before the bug, slow-mo during the bug, and just enough time after the bug. You've also got your FPS and packet loss in the clip and ping in the comments! This makes it a lot easier to follow up on- video of the incident and the conditions in which it occurred are really helpful. Given your conditions (18 ping, 180fps, 0% packet loss) hitboxes should be almost perfectly synced, but it looks like they're not. There's probably a bug here.


Originally posted by cornmealius

So it was the incorrect timer for an entire week. Nobody in your entire company thought that was weird? I think the more believable thing is that whatever skins you were just about to introduce were broken and need to be added in with a patch. Otherwise you’re saying that the entire Valorant team was aloof to the timer being wrong on the main menu of their new hit game. It’s not like I care, I don’t want to spend another penny on this game. But let’s be real, yeah?

The first offer being live for a week instead of 2 weeks (the default) is what caused the oversight.


Room to improve here for sure!

Don't have any release timeline, but we'd definitely like to grow this space in the future.


Originally posted by ThisIsKindaDifficult

Thank you for the response! Could you clarify what is being fixed? Is it the large log file sizes or something else?

The large log file is caused by an errant warning spamming repeatedly. That’s fixed. The game also periodically deletes old log files.


We have a fix for this in the next major patch. It's safe to delete these files if you need to reclaim the space before then.


Originally posted by matheus2santos

Very disappointing! I was hoping to see my reaver skin back from the beta. Damm Riot!

Yeah this is our bad - timer should have been set to what it was + what it is now. Sorry!


We've a fix for this in the next patch! Sorry for any disruption this has caused :(

The bug in question is that penalties are incorrectly applying in Custom Games if you dodge agent select specifically. No in-game penalties are applied otherwise in Custom Games.

The default punishment duration for this is ~3minutes, so you shouldn't be seeing an hour+ ban unless you're repeatedly (many times) AFK'ing through Custom Game agent selects OR the punishment from the Custom Game dodge happened to get stacked on-top of having recently been AFK'ing non-Custom Game matchmaking agent selects and/or in-game rounds.

17 Jun