
Valorant Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Originally posted by Sayachan

Brother please don't make Sova players cry by shifting UI elements around too much

No HUD changes this time around; your lineups are safe!


Originally posted by Rock-C

Status on if this is possible now?

I haven't gotten approval (nor asked for approval) yet.

Good to know you're still interested :-)


Originally posted by worldends23

I just want to quit the game but the next thing I knew I already logged out.

Now it's one button. Which is a bummer because I get paid every time someone logs out.


Originally posted by ikjb

Genuine question, why did you guys release the game with still so many bugs and issues still in it? I know people are describing it now as an open beta, but why did it never actually go into open beta?

I can't speak for anyone but myself because I haven't discussed this with the leadership group, but - especially being a free game - my personal opinion is that it was good enough in the places that mattered most to be opened to the public.

People will inevitably have differing opinions on where that threshold of "doneness" should be, but there's really no such thing as completely "done" for a live service game these days. There's always more to do!

It's also worth noting that some things are hard to see until you've released to a large audience, like certain types of bugs, exploits, etc. Releasing is a pretty essential step toward improving the game as a whole, in my opinion.


Originally posted by --Nimbus--

Don't forget to actually add the thing you mentioned in the patchnotes, but didn't actually add: the setting to always show the inventory (aka loadout) in bottom right.

It's in the next one. We found an issue with translation of the setting name, so it had to stay hidden. Fixed now.


Originally posted by JabberwockJack

To be honest the WORST part about Valorant is the UI. Everything is in a confusing place and nothing is organized efficiently. Burrito games could you hire a new UX/UI team and redo all of it for the next patch?

Next patch (or one after) has a bunch of changes that should bring the experience up a bit. We're still resolving a lot of leftover weirdness, experiments and incomplete work from pre-beta and beta. The list of to-dos is very long. Thanks for your patience.


Originally posted by FolX273

Hey thank you guys for adding multithreading support it's obviously a technical challenge to get right.

With that said I'm pretty bummed out it's not in my game options. In the same boat as many others, 4GB Vram needs to have it too. I just tested this specifically and I literally get two times the FPS on CSGO with Multicore rendering option turned on/off.

Specs: Ryzen 7 3550h (turbo clock 4Ghz) and GTX 1650 4gb. Obviously this is a laptop setup but I get respectable frames as it stands in the 100-120 FPS range. But looking at CSGO I can't help but feel it could be better

We're going to lower the VRAM requirement from 6 GB to 2 GB in the next major patch.


Originally posted by DeathlyMeme

mm this might be a bit late but that update you rolled out really helped, I rarely get frozen now.

great to hear, we've got some more improvements coming so hopefully "rarely" can become "never"


Hmm I think you have a great idea here...

No promises obviously, but it’s a great idea.

16 Jun


Originally posted by Enconhun

A little feedback: We like to hear even as much as "we heard you and are discussing this internally". Even if you don't adress anything, the fact that you acknowledge things is half a win for us, we don't feel ignored. This goes for everything, skin prices, balance issues, matchmaking issues, everything.

Thank you for some insight in these comments though!

Yup, that's super fair and I'll try to be more cognizant of that. I appreciate the feedback!!


Originally posted by 0ldm8legit

Appreciate the reply,

Yeah massive vague vibes there haha; but i can understand why. Currently, have you guys looked further into small tweaks around any of maps we have at the moment?

Just curious as to how you necessarily collect this data for agents. Are you incorporating large numbers from all areas of MMR, or generally using sample sized groups for this?

I can see why Breach, hasn't necessarily had the same impact on the numbers as say Raze, Reyna or Sage. This will most likely came as anecdotal evidence/my opinion but with how he performs as an initiator; generally what he does best is behind the comfort of walls with the backup of his teammates, allowing the more "OP" agents to easily clean up with their kit. Do you think this has the potential to skew any of the data you receive from games where its apparent the Raze, is going off but only due to the entry capabilities of Breach? I make this point because i can see him being incredibly effecti...

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The maps are currently looking pretty healthy balance-wise; we're going to do another sentiment gathering pass to see how the playerbase is feeling about them now that the game is live but as far as I know we don't have any split-mid level map changes in the pipe. If something starts looking weird though, we're always willing to make some changes to improve the experience.

Regarding agent balance - we have lots of views. We view winrates across a bunch of different percentile buckets, so we can see if agents become problematic only in certain MMR ranges or if they're just problematic holistically. Currently Breach isn't looking too problematic anywhere; honestly, if anything he's too weak. The metrics we primarily use are match winrate and round-side winrate for both attack and defense (your chance to win any given round on attack/defense) so we can understand an agent's general power as well as how that manifests by side, so Breach's more utility-oriented kit wouldn't intr...

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Originally posted by godNmighty1

I have it on EU, and In league of legends aswell. even wrote several ticket.
and im honor lvl2. never typed anything in the chat since beta hah?
could you please help me with that.

It is likely related to the above issues. Chat, login and social has shared points across games and regions. While most players experiencing the issue will be in the regions i've mentioned, there are instances where players in NA/EU/LATAM/BR might also see impacts. It will depend on how the internet is routing them. We're actively working on the issue, so we hope to have service fully restored soon.


Originally posted by godNmighty1

you sure about that?
so there is actually chat problems for some ppl?

Yes, for some players especially on the Asia Pacific and Korea shards will still see some issues with chat and social panel.


We saw login issues across all Riot games this morning. There does appear to be lingering issues with social features that we're continuing to investigate.


Originally posted by RobThatBin

I mean they'll probably fix it with the next update or at least the one after that. I don't exactly know what the bug entails but when it's fixed you will be able to use it again till the end of time. The Ghost skin still being in your inventory and the radiantite you might've spent on it still being spend on it I don't think this warrants a compensation as you still own the item & the upgrades.

We’re targeting next patch for the fix. The Ghost had a bug where it played unsilenced audio in third person for levels 2-7, so it was pay-to-lose. That goes against our rules for skins and we didn’t want anyone to pay for a suboptimal gameplay experience. So we turned off the levels, even if it meant missing out on cool effects and color variants. :(


Originally posted by Zeradith_TV

Hotfix would’ve been nice!

Hi! We decided not to hot fix in this case because we would have had to cause downtime for the game to do it (the downtime is a temporary the future we shouldn’t need to cause downtime for a hotfix like this, I’m told). We didn’t want to interrupt you guys from being able to play the game (doesn’t seem fair to all of you!) whenever you want, so we decided to delay the fix to the next patch. Sorry about that. I wanted to buy the Ghost purple variant too. :(