
Valorant Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Wow this is weird. We didn't do anything on our end to do that. I just checked both my machines and both had affinity set properly (all CPUs enabled).

I'll keep asking around the team to see if anyone else has this issue.

For the record, OP is right. You should have all CPUs enabled in the affinity mapping. If you have this problem, maybe try listing your CPU + windows version to see if there is a commonality? You can get your windows version by pressing WinKey+R and running "winver". ex: Version 1803 (17134.1488)

P.S. There is a bug megathread stickied on reddit for each patch. It wasn't a beta only thing.


Originally posted by 0ldm8legit

Well good to hear. No doubt you guys are passionate about all this and want to input where you can.

Yeah, in regards to maps, is there plans for bigger maps with long range enagements in the works? Do you currently have an idea to how many maps you would like in the pool aswell?

As far as agent balance, has breach come up as potentially a little too strong at points?

We have lots of ideas for maps as a product that we're currently fleshing out. I know that sounds vague as hell, but I just don't have any specifics I can share outside of that; but we're thinking through the same spaces as you here.

Regarding Breach, he hasn't come up as an outlier in terms of data, no - winrate wise, he's been on the lower end fairly consistently actually (he's actually been one of the weakest agents data-wise for awhile). There's a confound here though in that our current queue is unrated; when players are playing a bit more competitively, we may see Breach's value get a bit higher and see his winrate bump up a bit.

We have three major sentiment questions we measure for Agents consistently - % of players who believe they're OP (and why), % of players who believe they're UP (and why), and % of players who find the agent confusing or frustrating to play against (and why). Breach has shown up on the higher end of confusing and frustrating before, bu...

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15 Jun


Originally posted by frostnxn

Then perhaps some info on map rotation would be nice. Everyone I know gets stuck in a loop of playing one map over and over again, for example I played Bind 7+ times in a row yesterday even with breaks in between. Any plans on having a balanced rotation, for example striving for equal percentage of each map every 20 maps or something, or even allowing players to select maps they want to play. While I understand why you wouldn't want to do the latter, at least would be nice to have some rotation, because after the 5th time of a same map I just turn the game off for the day.

This is a game systems thing (so not my area), but we're aware of this pain. Right now, all the maps are weighed evenly, so you getting Bind 7 times in a row is incredibly bad luck, but it definitely does happen. Building a system to detect previous maps played for all players in a group, etc. to avoid repeats isn't free though, and I can't speak to that team's priorities so it's hard for me to say anything super helpful here aside from "we know getting the same map 3+ times in a row sucks even if it's unlikely"

Right now that team is tackling stuff like competitive queue, matchmaking, etc. so even if changes don't get made right now, that doesn't mean they're not listening or don't care; there are just always tradeoffs to consider when talking about investing in a feature like that vs. doing other things.

Once again, I don't work on this team, I have no idea what they've prioritized or are working towards, just trying to convey what I can. We feel you on the repeat...

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Originally posted by FinancialSmurf

Hey man, just gotta chime in and say you are amazing for how clear you can relay information without feeling like you are stepping on people's toes. Gotta give you props, keep up the good work!

Thanks so much! I'll keep doing my best.


Originally posted by TheAjwinner

If anyone wants to talk about agent balance

Ok. I'll bite. Do you have any plans for Viper? From what I've seen from Twitch Rivals and the Beta Tournaments, she is severely under utilized. In my own matches, she is a rare pick, and I have not seen her utilized to strong effect. Thanks

Yup, vipers been on our buff list for awhile now but the changes we were working on took a bit more time so we couldn’t fit them into launch. Expect to see a Viper buff in the next 1-2 patches!


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

Will we ever get per agent keybinds? I find i like certain buttons for each agent but none of them match up. For example i need sage wall on E because of Mei in overwatch but then it messes up other key binds on other agents.

All I know is that people on the team want this too and have wanted it for awhile. I just don't have the insight on our engineering bandwidth/prioritization on features like this, so I can't say anything definitively. We feel your pain though, I have several coworkers who change their keybindings at the beginning of every match based on the agent they're playing.


Originally posted by Vexenyte

If you're allowed to say, is there any plans to do some minor gun balancing to bring weapons that don't really have a good fit (ie. Guardian [too expensive]) in line with the others?

Oh yeah, we monitor weapon balance all the time. There are a couple things we're looking at, but nothing definitive yet; most of the heavier balance topics have been agents and maps thus far. Weapons are something we review the data for all the time and we're committed to maintaining enough healthy choice competition to drive interesting decisions there.


Originally posted by 0ldm8legit

True however, this is what happened to the apex legend sub. Devs turned from excited to participate to completely jaded due to everyone whinging about the same stuff over and over.

We're still here, I referenced this in another thread as well but a lot of it is just that a lot of the issues that are getting talked about are worked on by a small subset of very specific people. The vast majority of us don't work in skin pricing, for example - same goes for specific bugs like hit registration. Other things, like the release of our competitive queue, we just weren't talking about publicly until Ziegler's tweet this morning, so we can't really hop in and drop dates when things are still a bit nebulous.

If anyone wants to talk about agent balance or maps or something, I'm in there - but realistically, only a small portion of the team works on the big hot-button issues right now, which can make it hard to feel like my engagement will provide a ton of value right now. But we're always around; most of us come from League, and this is just what feedback tends to look like for a live development game. We're used to it.


Originally posted by AuntJ25

really appreciate you providing valuable insight on this!

For sure, happy to provide any clarity. I understand the fear of Rioters "leaving the sub" because it's gotten too negative or something, but that's really not the case. Obviously I encourage folks to remember that we're people too on the other side of the screen etc. but as far as I'm concerned, hearing and responding to player feedback, however passionate and frustrated it may be, is part of our job so I'm going to be around here regardless.

Basically, I feel it's valuable for me to comment if we release a new piece of content (like an agent or map) that you all are upset about or you feel balance team isn't doing it's job. When that's not really the case, all I can really say is "sorry I don't work on that, here's a bit of info or a person who might be able to help you better" which just isn't super helpful a lot of the time, ya know?


Originally posted by TemplarHard

Riot is not answering so much because this sub at the moment is full with posts about controversial topics that they rather not answer

Honestly, I can't speak for everyone, but for myself this definitely isn't it. I was pretty vocal in a lot of the "Raze is OP / Raze doesn't belong in the game" threads back in beta. For myself personally, I just work on gameplay content and live balance, and none of the big topics seem to be super focused on that right now so I'm not sure what to say. I didn't work on skin pricing, I don't interface with hit reg/bugs, I don't work on game systems for when competitive queue comes out, etc.

In general, we like to engage but we also don't want to speak on behalf of other teams or when we feel we lack information, which is why I'm not hopping into all of these threads. My guess would be that there are tons of other team members like me, just absorbing the feedback and hopping in on stuff that's relevant to what we specifically work on.


Originally posted by PaintheSky104

Yeah, again I’m not an expert in bans or computers but he got banned and we think it’s cause he switched out his hardware. His account name is BruhPP. Thanks for checking this out.

The only account with a name like that I could find isn't banned and the only hardware id associated with that account isn't banned either.

So if that's the right account something else is going on.


This story doesn't quite add up, things don't really work that way but if you reply (or message me) with your friend's account name I'll take a look.


Originally posted by Cb58logan

Any update on those still without their agent? Support gave this response " . I have added your case to the list and they will look into it and once they have something they will deploy whatever fix is needed. "

Is it not possible to just give the people making tickets their free agents?

That’s exactly what we’re doing. Right now the dev team needs to do it manually, so we’re working through the list

14 Jun


Originally posted by Deranox

If I might suggest some feedback. Please give us an owned/unowned filter for gun buddies, sprays etc. AND a list view. This carousel just doesn't do especially without filters. It's really, really, really a must in an ever expanding list of things like this as more content is added.

Also, when selecting an agent in agent select, pre game, the skills description font is so small and on bright background (most of the time) with white letters. It's really hard and annoying to read. Can the team please take a look ?

Also also can we please have an equip button somewhere when we unlock something new and it takes us to the corresponding menu ? I find myself often wanting to equip some spray or skin that I just earned in the post game lobby and I can't do it fast enough and then I'll have to go and search for it.

Edit: Why am I being downvoted ? I'm just suggesting feedback.

Don’t worry about the downvotes. We appreciate all this kind of feedback. I will provide this feedback to the designers working on the out of game UI experience! And I will take a look at the character select text and see what we can do to get the text a bit more readable.


Originally posted by spiritedlemon

Out of interest, is the HUD made up of a bunch of different layers? Some of mine keeps disappearing and I’ve been trying to work out why it’s happening so often

First off - sorry this is happening to you. These kinds of bugs are extremely rare so we would love to solve these edge cases.The HUD is made up of a bunch of different ‘layers’ so to say. When this happens could you please take screenshots and submit a bug ticket from the client? If it is easier you could send me a message directly on here but I need screenshots and/or videos to help our QA team track down why this is happening.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We handled it a while ago but anyone can pretend their prerecorded footage is live.


This guy was already banned but is pretending his prerecorded footage is live.


oops! good catch - thats actually the bullet hiding back there. a bit of the animation trickery that we need to keep a bullet somewhere to transfer into your hand when you reload, and the stocks for both the Marshal and Bucky were where they ended up just so there'd never be an instance where you'd see it in first person. we can make sure this gets hidden in the collections view :)