
Valorant Dev Tracker

14 Jun


Originally posted by Evilijah39

I know EXACTLY where you are

I really missed a great opportunity with this one. I even have a Cypher profile image. I'm the worst.


Originally posted by OrbitaDropShockTroop

HMMM I WONDER WHERE THEY GOT THEIR BAN SYSTEM FROM looks at league of legends. Yeah son, it’s done been f**ked. Happened to me at least 5 times on league lmao

Hijacking top comment for vis:

I'm sorry you had a bad time /u/SammyTings, those players sounds gross and I've flagged them for follow up with player behavior specialists and I'm confident they'll be dealt with.

I looked into your chat restriction and from what I can tell it wasn't from these players reporting you but rather the behavior in previous games. I can't see the chat logs but it looks like you received dozens of reports across your recent games, averaging several reports each game.

So it looks like the reports from this particular game were either irrelevant or just the final straw but I know that the coincidence can feel really bad. Sorry about that!


Originally posted by xXUtahraptorXx

Don’t understand what you said, but what I take from it is that you are the god of all custom games

And you would not be incorrect.


I am watching all of your custom games...

But on a real note - this ones on me. I make the majority of the in game UI and I tend to use my in game name as placeholder text. Sometimes the engine falls back on this text when it’s being stressed from various other sources (600 ping and 1 fps will do it).

13 Jun

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ry_venti

Do you know anything about the toggle walk/run bug and when that will be fixed? Not a huge deal but I would def consider it affecting gameplay Ps love the game

Yeah we're aware of it, not sure if we have a fix in yet but it's been noted

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by mizuneiro

Hello, does the narrotor has something for staying quiet and waiting for something to happen? Cause it seems that when a 1v2 ends really fast the voice for 'last player...' comes late, it even happened once the game was already over.

Interesting, I'll ask about that


Originally posted by Igorzlasu

The 1st point is especially weird, since the same thing is already implemented in the player cards menu.

But imo, these are all good changes.

Put all of the things I have unlocked in one place (i.e grouped at the start)

Make it clearer when an option is locked

Make it clear whether buddies are available or already assigned

Make it easier to see the actual buddy (they're tiny and semi transparent)

Agree, and all are coming.

  • The sorting issue is a bug we're fixing. You've correctly noted that it works that way elsewhere.
  • Filter for only showing owned stuff is coming Very Soon.
  • We're working on revising the "x2" count to show how many you have vs. how many are allocated. The assignment dropdown needs tweaking too - it acts oddly at times.
  • We're going to work on the thumbnail treatment to improve layout, preview size, and contrast.

There's a lot more, of course. We can't promise we're going to fix all of the issues in the first few patches but we see your frustration and feel much of the same the pain our...

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    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


oh sh*t I’m caught

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by stormcaller_op

No, I need a 5000 word dev blog on why this issue occurred, how you plan on fixing it and an exact time of its fix, and compensation of 11000 VP.

here to appease you:

A DIAGNOSIS FROM THE TEAM: We realized on Tuesday that the Sovereign Ghost had a bug that we hadn't tested for. For Levels 2-7, the gun was playing unsilenced audio in 3P. Thus, it was pay-to-lose. Working from home has made testing the nuances of every gun at every level in 1P/3P more difficult (no audio over hangouts + high volume of content), and since we don't ever change custom audio in 3P (1P only) this was not something set up as a step in testing processes. This is also not a bug we had encountered before for skins.

HOW WE PLAN ON FIXING IT: QA has added a step for testing 3P audio for all skins at all levels. In our weekly build reviews where we test every level of every gun skin, we will also test for this. To cover 3P audio, we will have 2 clients open in a custom game.

EXACT TIME OF FIX - Patch 1.02, so in roughly a week and a half (we aim for a patch every two weeks but this...

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    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sully12333

Point is, as a riot employee you need to watch what you say and be more professional. Not uncaring and passive aggressive

well did my statement appease you

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sully12333

I mean, saying shit like "our communication to you(aka the ticker) that a product of ours isnt working as advertised also isnt working and that is unfortunate" is a shit way to display yourself as a riot employee. A proper response would be "we apologize for any inconvenience these issues have caused and we are working immediately on a solution to make sure that products are released as advertised and our communication with our playerbase is working properly."

sorry mate, here is a hug

also I apologize for any inconvenience these issues have caused and I am working immediately on a solution to make sure that products are released as advertised and our communication with our playerbase is working properly.


Originally posted by cornmealius

So are we expecting to wait for a big patch (1.5 weeks from now) to fix this or a small patch? I feel kind of ripped off. The “bug ticker” doesn’t help people that already bought the skin.

For right now, it's scheduled for the next regularly scheduled patch. We noticed an increase in client crashes with our no-downtime patches, so we're being a little bit more careful in our deployments until we get a good handle on why that happened.

If there is a fix that we feel warrants the impact of an unscheduled downtime, the fix to the ghost would be brought along with it. We understand that this current state is frustrating, and we have some fixes we're prioritizing to make it easier for us to respond more rapidly to bugs like this one in between major patches.


Originally posted by NvmSharkZ

sorry to highjack the comments above but can this bug affect performance or something? I know it's anecdotal evidence but I bought the ghost when I logged on today and I've played 3 matches and in all of these I had massive fps issues, from normally having 130-140fps to ~90 even when no action was on screen, this wasn't happening when I played last night. I have not tried playing with the skin equipped and usually buy the ghost on pistol round, so maybe the render could cause some issues?

I'm not sure what may be causing the much lower fps, my pc is in the same state as last night

Should not have an impact on performance. The bug was related to one of the upper level upgrades of the ghost in the skin line. We haven't made any changes to the client since the patch this week.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sully12333

Unfortunate... a million/billion dollar company should have more clear communication than saying shit isnt working and its "unfortunate". Holy shit, get your shit together.

Edit: my point is that a product that costs a lot of money that isnt as advertised and makes the company a ton of money is a serious problem. Not apologizing and saying it was "unfortunate" is a shit response to the problem

Do you need a hug my dude


Originally posted by Fi3nd7

Nextlight is saying that those traceroutes aren't correct and are misreporting. One thing I will say is I only experience latency to riot servers, not other games or streaming services. It's difficult for me as even during these high ping times (80% of the time in the evening probably during peak traffic) I still get great download speeds and can stream netflix or 4k youtube videos no problem.

I'm continuing to work with them, but I'm also continuing the support ticket I have to see what you guys can figure out. I've also gone ahead and purchased a ubiquiti Edgerouter 4 so I can finally have top of the line hardware and rule out my home setup.

I have reached out to their engineering team to see if we can improve the route between our networks a little. Everything is going via Seattle today and we have some options in Denver that would make this more direct.

12 Jun

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tharain

I can imagine alot of players buying the ghost skin and refunding it for not being able to upgrade... like I did since I was ingame and didn't receive any info.

Yup, unfortunate the in-game ticker wasn't working

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We had to disable levels because of a bug where the leveled up third-person audio wasn't playing silenced, so it was gameplay impacting (as we've noted in the dev blog, anything that has an impact on gameplay, positive or negative, via skins, is a no-go for us).

Should have been a message in client on this - we'll put it out on social now, but I'm hoping in the future we can communicate these things pretty clearly in game rather than you having to go outside to social to figure it out.