World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

16 Apr

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

I see you found the answer but yes, you can learn the essences and start testing right away.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s a known bug on the PTR, the plan is for alts level 20 and above to be able to use the equipment.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome to the Rise of Azshara PTR Bug Report forum.

These forums are here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft with your fellow players. Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you take the time to read through the forum Code of Conduct before posting.

:mag: Search

The new search function is extremely robust. Please be sure to use it to look for similar topics, blog posts, or web pages that may contain the answer before creating your forum topic. Making a new thread on an exi...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re deploying our first build for the upcoming content update—Rise of Azshara—to our Public Test Realms. It is now testable. Here’s an outline of what’s coming in this PTR.

  • Now Available for Testing
  • Heart of Azeroth system update: introducing Essences
  • New Zone: Mechagon
  • New Arena: The Robodrome
  • Mount Equipment
  • Crestfall and Snowblossom Island Expeditions
  • Ashran Epic Battleground

Our initial testing will be primarily technical, so some Rise o...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome to the Rise of Azshara PTR General Discussion forum.

These forums are here to provide you with a friendly environment where you can discuss all aspects of World of Warcraft with your fellow players. Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy. Therefore, we ask that you take the time to read through the forum Code of Conduct before posting.

:mag: Search

The new search function is extremely robust. Please be sure to use it to look for similar topics, blog posts, or web pages that may contain the answer before creating your forum topic. Making a new thread o...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

(Replace this first paragraph with a brief description of your new category. This guidance will appear in the category selection area, so try to keep it below 200 characters. Until you edit this description or create topics, this category won’t appear on the categories page.)

Use the following paragraphs for a longer description, or to establish category guidelines or rules:

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  • How exactly is this different than the other categories we already have?

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The PTR should now be testable.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

A few minutes ago, we made the Rise of Azshara PTR available for download and install. This is so that initial testers will be completely ready to log in when the test realms are made public.

We are not at that point yet, and we don’t know how long it’s going to take to complete our checks and configuration. It looks like at least a few hours.

We’ll post here confirming when the PTR is playable and the PTR discussion subforums are open.

ETA 12:42 p.m. PDT – The PTR should now be testable.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

The developers’ notes that go with these changes:

The above trinkets are balanced for healers and tanks in PvP, and their current tuning slows down the pacing of Arena combat unacceptably when used by nonstandard roles. Reducing their effectiveness in PvP, for those roles only, will allow them to remain a formidable option.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct
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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re working on a couple of PvP hotfixes that will go live with weekly scheduled maintenance in each region (starting tomorrow on all American realms).

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the intended 50% reduction to Azerite Traits in PvP from being applied to Traits found on Engineering helms.

  • The effectiveness of Ward of Envelopment, Mirror of Entwined Fate, and Void Stone in PvP has been reduced by 50% for player characters who are not in a healing specialization.

  • The effectiveness of Diamond-Laced Refracting Prism in PvP has been reduced by 50% for player characters who are not in a tank specialization.

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

There will still be an on-screen bug button that you can use to submit anything you’d like to, from any disposition.

15 Apr

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will check but my personal opinion from my play experience is that the water strider ability is just much stronger than the sky golem herbing. We nerfed the water strider once and if we leave it with the ability there then it’s more in the line of getting everything and less of making a choice for what you want. We want there to be a choice based on your play and interests. If herbing on the run provides too strong of a benefit then there might need to be changes there but currently I don’t think that’s the case.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s one of the goals here. There are a lot of mounts out there and it’s strange to have a “wrong choice” when out running around. You’ll easily be able to keep the ability just as you have it now but there will be other options that you (the player) can make if you prefer something else. How you about the world, where you often go, and how fast you like to escape from things could all contribute to what works best for your playstyle.

There are a few extra notes so like Death Knights can do waterwalking via Path of Frost (...

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    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct


We’ve got an update incoming to the In-Game Bug Reporter for our Public Test Realm (PTR). We’re excited about this, because it should make it even easier for testers to get the right information to us as quickly as possible.

Starting with the Rise of Azshara PTR, you’ll see a new context-sensitive hotkey for submitting bug reports. When you mouse over any Creature, NPC, Item, Achievement, or Spell in the game, there’s now some blue text at the bottom of the tooltip that reads “Press F6 to submit a bug for this Item”.


Simply hit that hotkey while mous... Read more
    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Where would you put the statue? I’m picturing on the side of a building somewhere.

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m keeping mine too. :slight_smile:

14 Apr

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, just wanted to make everybody aware that we made an update to the original post with the following information:

We saw some confusion about a specific part of this post so we want to be clear that Customer Service will NOT be transferring items in WoW Classic and the system that we outlined will be in the players’ hands. If we were to go down the road of developing a policy on item trading, we believe it would end up allowing the exact same kind of abuse that we are trying to minimize with the 2-hour trade window system which we outlined in the original post.

Ninja looting does have consequences in the community and those who do it will have trouble getting invited to group. In other words: your reputation will matter. Remember to play nice, play fair folks!

12 Apr

    Kaivax on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve been working on a suite of targeted changes that focus on improving gameplay for several specs. You’re going to see changes that are close to the following in the first build of the Rise of Azshara PTR (coming next week).

Demon Hunter

  • Vengeance
    • Demonic Wards: damage reduction increased to 15% (was 10%).
    • Demonic Wards: armor bonus increased to 100% (was 80%).
    • Demon Spikes: armor reduced to 60% of Agility (was 85%).
      • Developers’ notes: More than other tanks, Vengeance is currently dealing with the problem of low mitigation when their active mitigation is down. These changes are a substantial increase to physical mitigation when Demon Spikes is down, and a neutral-to-very-slight increase when Demon Spikes is active. There is also some overall passive reduction to magic damage. Overall, Vengeance’s sustained damage taken will be lower, and the periods of vulnerability outside of Demon Spi...
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