League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

12 Jan

11 Jan

10 Jan

08 Jan

06 Jan


Originally posted by Royalwinsmid

Don’t you think this limits choices for some champions? Yasuo and Yone are always forced into getting 2 attack speed items to decrease their 1st ability cooldown to 1.3. Then they almost always need Infinity edge. This means that in 99% of games Yone and Yasuo are forced to build bork/chargeblade/infinity edge. Not a lot of choice.

Not really, if we added zerkers it would just limit Yasuo's choice of boots and still limit his regular item choices. Having a subset of limited choices isn't a bad thing, it means that the champion's kits matter. Yasuo is much more limited by his 2x crit passive than by his boots, but that is part of what makes him interesting. Every champion is going to be limited in what they can build by virtue of the stats/ratios they have, but that limits are hardly a bad thing, what matters is interesting choices.

In Yasuo's case, the 2x crit means he really only gets to build 2 crit items, so there is an interesting choice being made of what 2 he should take. IE is really a must-buy for anyone building crit so really we could say Yasuo makes the choice with 1 crit item. So does he want durability (PD, BT, Wit's) or more damage (Chargeblade, Shiv).

I don't care to go too much into individual champions but I'd also suggest taking a look at Wit's End, Phantom Dancer, Trinity F...

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Originally posted by Saint-Claire

Riot has already started they don't want Bezerker Greaves and Sorc Shoes in wild rift because they're overcenrralizing.

Yep yep yep, we want champions to be able to choose their boots based on what situation they are in. Zerks and Sorc boots don't allow for that so we removed them and gave champions who would buy zerks more AS, and added a second flat Mpen item.

If we were to add these boots to the game it will reduce choice and power for these classes. Adding them isn't something we are planning on doing.

03 Jan

30 Dec


Originally posted by Peaklou

Lillia‘s ult adds 100/150/200 +40% ap when triggered. The issue is that it shouldn‘t be triggered by damage over time

Yes this is a bug and the team is aware.