League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

25 Jun

24 Jun


Originally posted by Annual_Protection959

What about an option to not be shown the surrender at all? I literally never surrender. Never once hit the green check mark. Like in game options in settings.

So I'm mostly in the never surrender camp myself when playing ranked. Especially when you're climbing, you're never really out of the fight until the nexus falls. If the enemy team screws up you can turn the game in one death timer. Those sweaty comebacks are some of my most memorable games.

I just don't think there are enough people that want to opt into that to justify spending time on the option. I think stuff like hiding surrender is better because it hits all players without them having to do anything. Just spitballing, but I think repeated surrenders from the same person are a better thing to look at. You don't need that one tilted person dragging down the mental of the rest of your team too. Sure you could turn off surrender for yourself, but if you've already got the grit to keep trying to win, the surrender you see isn't the problem. It's keeping the rest of your team mentally in the game to comeback with you.

23 Jun


Originally posted by MerueMjr

And can we have small slogan/icon for double/triple kill, in team fights it covers middle of the team fight

We are looking at the amount of space/time announcements take up, agree they can be disruptive in team fights.


Hmmmm I agree we should just suppress surrender while you're in combat. Let me talk to the team about it.

22 Jun


Originally posted by DeathBySnuSnuuuuuuuu


Just say a champions classification (Mage, Assassin, Juggernaut etc) and let the game/players decide what lane they're in...

That is nice in theory, but it goes against some key aspects when designing content. Namely that you want to design with goals in mind that help guide your design. If we didn't try to push champions into their intended lanes then we wouldn't have things like minions/monster modifier on abilities, or even abilities like Pyke's passive that shares gold.

And we really don't like the idea of every champion being a powerful flex pick. There are times when we are ok with, or even encourage champions to branch out to other positions but it really depends on the champion, their design, and if we think that is healthy for the game and champion as a whole.

21 Jun


Originally posted by Ok-Ear-8155

hey what build do y’all think is better for jhin? The classic Youmuu or Stormrazor i’m really in doubt about how to build him it’s getting hard

I've seen success with both Pen tends to be really good vs squishy targets without a lot of armor. But both builds should do good work.


Originally posted by Hello_Imsanjay

dang bro why does riot hate when people play pyke with other roles?

Because he was built to be a support, we have assassins for every other role. If he shares that space with them then it waters down his intended identity/purpose.