League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

16 Jun

15 Jun

14 Jun

13 Jun

12 Jun

10 Jun


Originally posted by KhozyOnTheLoose

I dont really know myself, sometimes their dev team will post messages in this sub so if you are lucky you can ask them yourself.



Originally posted by buenohomebueno

Sadge, had they ever said something bout their political bout the new champs n rowerks lol pc has in WildRift?

We don't have a set rule for whether we will follow a rework from League PC or not. Our reason for this is that our games, and needs are different. Some rework we will follow, if we feel they have been well received and would be a good fit for Wild Rift. The same goes for League PC adapting any changes from Wild Rift.

09 Jun


Originally posted by Murder_o_Crows

Yeah maybe I should start asking for a swap as well. Its just that I never ask it because I dont want my team mates to feel pressured to a swap. But maybe I might start doing it because first picking solo is really troublesome specially because I do not have a core champ that I have mastered so, if someone picks a counter I tend to lose the lane.

No way, you should totally try to swap. Some positions want to pick early, or if someone has an OP champ they want to secure. The whole reason we made the swap position was for these kinds of situations. There are too many variable to predict what is the ideal picking order for a team, and it will vary from game to game. So we made tools that allow players to do this themselves.

08 Jun


Originally posted by jlozada24

It feels the same in GM now for the past 2 weeks. It’s nuts! Also there’s this guy that always ragequits and sells all his items and sits at base and I get him so often. I always report him but they won’t ban him. I ended up adding him to make sure he’s in game when I queue. You can even see it in his match history. He does it ALL THE TIME

DM me their player info, we know that our detection is not going to function well at GM level because the players are really good and can exploit any mistake so it can be very difficult to identify intentional losing vs just getting beat with the same signals we use at the silver/gold/plat/emerald level. We can use them as an example if we look at improving our detection at higher ranks

07 Jun


Originally posted by hehexdd8

Wild Rift champions are not more durable, LOL PC just f**ked itself with mythic items and no one in riot wants to admit that it is a failure.

.... You can look at the health/armor/MR values. I see them each day, Wild Rift champions tend to have more of each at any level.

Mythics do move more power earlier into the game, but I'd hardly say they are a failure. Mythics are intended to be more powerful than other items. I'm sorry you don't like them, but don't worry we currently have no plans of adding them to Wild Rift.

06 Jun


“Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.”