over 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

By purchasing the "B" ships, you would've also received a mission to obtain 1500-2500 doubloons, and having an additional ship in your port for snowflake style events.

For example:

Scharnhorst in the Armory: 9800 Doubloons

Scharnhorst B in the Premium Store: $27 (about 6900 doubloons) with a rebate offer of essentially 2500 doubloons if you have the standard version so, 4400 doubloons

T7 Premium Perma-Camo: 2000 Doubloons

So essentially you're getting an additional ship for 2400 doubloons or ~$10. While yes, its an clone of a ship you already have, consider it can be used for snowflake-styled events, and soon enough having an extra ship in your port for (essentially) $10 doesn't look so bad.

The "B" ship offerings are more for the players who don't already have the premium ships. We offer the additional mission for the standard ships owners as a bonus for this consideration.


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