about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

We have actually stated it numerous times and have admitted that having more than 1 CV in a match is not what we WANT, however, because que times would be EXTREMELY long, they were the way they were. And we have been working on MM over the past year making changes to mitigate a lot of the issues. Triple CV games do not occur anymore above tier IV UNLESS the que time exceeds our maximum limit to start overriding rules. Recently we've made changes to lower the chance of double CV games and they have been reduced. And coming up we have ANOTHER MM change to lower the chance of double CV matches even further and make MM more ideal for players that could be up-tiered.


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I did answer the question, just not the way you wanted.

These changes are for the same reason that DD's are limited to 4 in a match, because if you had 8 DD's in a battle they could cover the entire map and make a battle unbalanced (which some of you have seen I am sure after a long que time). The same reason there is a limit on the amount of BB's in a match(which some of you have seen I am sure after a long que time).

2 or more CV's in a match if they work together can keep an entire map lit for most the match, which again can make a battle unbalanced.

It is NOT because of the ship class itself. It is for balancing in general.


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

I totally agree, and that is being changed VERY shortly. Understand that changes to MM can have far reaching changes to the game in general so we are VERY careful and slow with changes to it, if you look at our updates over the past year so, our changes to MM have been slow and over a long timeframe.


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

See Below.


about 4 years ago - Hapa_Fodder - Direct link

So let me pose a different question, if you were in a match that was 1 BB and 11 DD's, and you were the BB driver, this would be okay? Would you then make the claim that DD's are op and need balancing?

MM changes are to help games be dynamic and function NOT to "nerf" or "buff" a specific ship or class.
