about 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

Heyo, I'm going to break your post down a little so I can respond a little easier.

1 - Yes, this factor is no longer present on such a large scale. Naturally the 5-10% who are extremely good at any class will also hold great influence on a game, however, the impact of a single player in a CV has been reduced significantly.

2 - This is simply not true. While yes, the rework from patch 0.8.0-0.8.5 or so was rough in terms of balance. Since 0.8.5 and even more so since 0.8.7, changes have been minimal and isolated to particular CVs, in terms of sentiment and data, we are happy with their current balance excluding certain edge case ships which we're monitoring and internally looking at. I will state, balance is subjective, and an unfortunate fact of human nature is we often focus on how things impact us alone, and don't consider the opposite factors. From this unbias standpoint, we are rather happy with the current interaction with CVs and other classes, and vice-versa. In comparison to the aforementioned time period, the number and degree of anti-cv/etc threads has reduced significantly. You're never going to make everyone happy, but we can see that the volume of complaints reduced significantly. This is also reflected in the statistics we monitor regarding CV play numbers and their impact on classes.

3- Subjective statement, this cannot be verified by fact. We've looked for it.

4 - Have you forgotten when CVs could take a DD out in one run, or knock 80-100k off a battleship at TX with 3x4 torp planes? Because I certainly remember it. There are definitely methods that a DD player can adapt to reduce the impact of a CV on their gameplay. The game has changed, so players also need to change they way they approach combat situations.

5 - Without seeing a replay of how this game played out, I wouldn't be able to digest this situation and determine whats happening.


about 4 years ago - Femennenly - Direct link

In same thought, just because you are experiencing one thing, doesn't mean that everyone is experiencing it or that is the wide scale case for the player base.