almost 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The heavier German DD line also as extreme accuracy. The characteristics are:

Better AP Pen Angles

Flat Shell Arcs

Extreme Accuracy

Large Amount of Pen (Citadel threat on cruisers)

Cruiser-level hull armor.

Be aware that their DPM is lower than other DDs and do not want to get into a raw DPM brawl.

This is from

Shells out to 18km have a 10.9 sec flight time for the Elbing as opposed to 16.9 seconds on the Z-52. Also, you can see the dispersion values are basically half, which translates to 1/4th the size of dispersion ellipsoid.

almost 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

The German HE shells received a massive buff when they were given "quarter pen" (1/4 of 128mm = 32mm Pen).

The capability of their HE, powerful AP, and general capability of detection/torps/hydro makes them very nice. Z-52 was even used multiple times in KotS and the WSC.

almost 2 years ago - Ahskance - Direct link

I haven't heard players voice concerns on these ships, and folks that are annoyed about something can and will be rather vocal. Is there something about these ships that brings them to the front of your mind?

I can't speak to all of the ships you brought up, but:

Ognevoi's shoudln't be a Torp Boat. Not like "Torpedo Focused Destroyers" per se. The guns on the Russian DD line are wonderful to use and the Ognevoi is the first of the split where both Smoke and Heal options are provided.

To my knowledge, I'd only heard good things about her?

Hipper has features that do stand out compared to the Tallinn

203mms with extreme HE Pen (51mm Pen)

Faster Reload than Tallinn (though less guns)


Standard German BBs continue to be effective. They are armored in ways the Schlieffen line are not which is very important in terms of longevity. It's normal in games to accept less Damage when you have more Health/Armor, and the two lines reflect that.

The only things I've ever heard about the Montecuccoli was that he guns felt weird. The 203's are introduced at Tier 6, so her shell flight/interaction supposedly feels different than others in the line.

Uniqueness is not a bad thing as it helps to provide different play experiences across the hundreds of different ships we have in our game.


If you wanted to get more deep into a discussion on thos ships or others, I'd drop a ping for @Boggzyto have a look at your thoughts.

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