Anyone else only get 3 invites? Sorry if this gets asked a lot, but I haven’t seen it asked any more
There's a known issue where some players are missing invites. As long as you weren't invited by a friend, you should have a total of 5 invites. Its being looked into!
I've agreed to the NDA and invited friends, but I don't have the Preload in "My Games" anywhere. Hopefully it's just taking a bit to show up; I only worry slightly as my download speed can kind of be atrocious haha. Excited to try it out!
EDIT: Got my Pre-load going! Just took a bit to show up after-all
It may take a few hours for it to show up! If you don't have it after 24 hours, [contact Ubisoft Support.](support.ubi.com/Cases/New)
"There is no confirmed end date at this time!" - UbiMorning (Ubisoft Community Manager) he/she just posted that in another related thread :)
That be me! And that's right!
Is EU completely out of the test as I've seen some comments say? Or will it go live later?
This test is for US and CA. There is potential in the future for more testing phases for other egions and platforms, which is why you should still register!