Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

30 Apr


We are back with a short update from the development front, the winners of our #annophony contest and a new episode of our AnnoAfternoon community show.

Many of you have heard it already: thanks to your relentless support is Anno 1800 the fastest selling game in the franchise’s history! And to celebrate that milestone, we decided to honor your first week achievements in a special way:

Improvements and future updates for Anno 1800
We entered week three after the big maiden voyage and we are busy bees here in our s...

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29 Apr

Awesome calculators! Thanks for sharing them with the community, adriaman and EchoNoire. I'm sure many players can find them very useful.

26 Apr


You can check out our Blog post about Multiplayer Here. 4 Players are the max that you can have in one match.

In Anno 1800’s multiplayer mode, up to four players can join a match to settle and conquer islands in an alliance or in a race against each other to reach the victory conditions first. .

25 Apr


We just hit the second week since the launch of Anno 1800 and while we are busy dissecting your detailed feedback and analyzing our data, you have been busy sharing not only your thoughts but also your creations with us. Without further ado, let us dive into this week’s Anno Union topics.

First patch today!
We just had our first patch today, including some bugfixes for known issues. You can check the full patch notes below:

ANNO 1800 – Patch 01

Fixed several crashes.
Fixed several Multiplayer Desyncs.
Fixed an is...

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24 Apr

23 Apr

20 Apr

Hello Annoholics,

this is just a little thread to collect the links for Anno communities of other languages. Maybe there is one for you, that you didn't know of before!

Official forums
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19 Apr

18 Apr


You asked us earlier if we plan to add new things to the game after the big release and last week, we let the cat out of the bag (gentle-cat doesn’t mind) about our season pass and free updates during the post launch of Anno 1800. With our announcement of the season pass, we also recorded a video for all of you where we talk about our plans to expand the world of Anno 1800.

Union Talk
Luckily, Basti was far from alone with our small release celebration on Twitch. Thank you to everyone who joined our rather spontaneous stream, we had a “jolly” good time especially thanks to so many Union members chatting with us during the show.
And when we kicked off the party, we released our third Union Talk video which was, of course, pre-recorded. (Just because some folks in the chat asked us questions).

And in case you missed the whole party stream, you can watch it now here:

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17 Apr


A cityscape of smoking chimneys. Streets brimming with life, as the upper classes take to the zoo for a day out with the family. None of these evocative scenes could unfold their full impact on the player without the proper musical accompaniment. Orchestral soundtracks have always been a key part of the Anno experience, and this is no different for Anno 1800. So join us on a journey intot he creation of Anno 1800’s grand soundscapes.

Let us raise the curtain for veteran composer Tilman Sillescu (who has been working on the music for Anno games since 1701) and his team at Dynamedion, as they carry you away into the world of the industrial revolution:

And while we focused on Tilman in the video, we would be remiss to forget all the other talented composers who contributed to the game, as seen here:


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15 Apr

    BB_CR on News - Thread - Direct

One of the most frequently asked questions over the past weeks and months has been what kind of post-launch content and support players could expect from Anno 1800. Today, we are happy to answer some of those questions, as we announce our Season Pass, which consists of three DLCs (which will also be available separately) that we plan to release throughout 2019. We are also giving you a first glimpse at our free content plans, and detail how you can upgrade your standard edition of the game to the Digital Deluxe Edition to secure the Anarchist character that we will release in the coming months.

The 1800 Season Pass is here

Let’s start with the biggest news: We are announcing the Anno 1800 Season Pass, which will give players access to three big content drops that we will be releasing throughout the year.

Our goal with these DLCs is to offer a variety of content that expands on all the new features and systems of Anno 1800. This includes some new...

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