Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile Dev Tracker

11 Apr

Originally posted by Automated_Man

Heya u/COD_Mobile_Official, really excited for the new season! Was hoping if you could spoil some upcoming content for the future seasons - like weapons and stuff.

Also, can we expect a change in the ranked system?


Originally posted by Flappy__Bird

Can you fix the bug in Ground War Breach? And pls bring back Hbra3 - Swarm in Fro You section

Hey there, which bug are you referring to? We have seen some reports of respawn issues, is that what you are referencing? If not, can you please explain the issue and maybe link a video if possible? That would help the team a ton. Thanks!

Originally posted by Elnuggeto13

I've actually never played any cod multiplayer games before codm, but I'm definitely excited for this lil score streak

Time to make some memories with it then!!

Originally posted by DeVilleZL1

Hi u/COD_Mobile_Official!!

Thank you so much for this new season! I have a few questions, can you comment at your earliest convenience?

  1. Legendary Dark Nikto - Can you please push your team for the return of this draw/character? We've been waiting an extremely long time and would love to see him back on the board.

  2. New Completionist Camo - Does your team have anything in the works?

  3. Snipers Only Blackout - Can you make this a permanent mode in the interim of the loss of Alcatraz?

  4. Mobile vs Controller Players - Last, but not least, considering Warzone Mobile will not have separated lobbies for different player types, can CODM open up the lobbies as well? There's a huge community and controller players that are left out every ranked season because we cannot find games. Can you push this up the ladder as well? This would provide a whole new phase to CODM and would help it soar fo...

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You're welcome! We also love Dark Nikto. We don't see him coming back immediately (next season that is) but we'll forward the community's love for this operator so the team is aware. Likewise with completionist camo and Snipers Only Blackout. Nothing to share on those ends for now but we'll let the team know for the future!

Originally posted by Botsowannabe

Please fix those incessant glitches in Ground War: Breach The mode is really fun, as I feel it stimulates an actual war without the disadvantages of battle royale response. But those spawning glitches are a huge turnoff for many on their first impressions of the mode

Hey there! Glad to hear you think the mode is fun! Would you happen to have a video of the issue? That would help us a lot in identifying the cause. Thanks!

Originally posted by Daqhuqq69

mg42 is a surprise to be sure but a welcome one. Also is there any chance you guys add guns from advance and infinite warfare??

We understood that reference! Nothing to share about other weapons for now but stay tuned ๐Ÿ™‚

Originally posted by Elnuggeto13

Omg the RC XD

Bringing back some memories? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Originally posted by LIEUTENANT__CRUNCH

When is the next community update?

Coming next week with the S4 launch!

Originally posted by thegrayman19

Can we please see some love for us military enthusiasts ๐Ÿ™. Maybe some Ghost and Gaz skins or something like that

Hey there! Ghost and Gaz always hold a special place in our hearts and we know how much the community loves them. We'll keep this feedback in mind ๐Ÿ™‚

Originally posted by killingclown007

Request CODM to Please fix the Crash issue on iOS...Game Randomly Crashes while in Game...Please Fix it

Hey there, sorry to hear you're having some crashing issues. There will be a fix going out with the update next week that should resolve players having crashes on IOS. What IOS are you on?

Originally posted by MSchmelto

Bye bye thermite in BR. Back to the good old trusty Oden

Originally posted by COD_Mobile_Official

Hey there! We've actually started adding what Mythic Drop will return in our seasonal roadmap that we post on our socials on the day of the season launch. Stay tuned for that post next week!

And the new Mythic drop in S4 - Eternal Honor Mythic Drop - will be releasing 4/20 UTC.

Originally posted by InsaneTechNY

Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹ is there a roadmap for re releases of Mythic guns and dates?

Hey there! We've actually started adding what Mythic Drop will return in our seasonal roadmap that we post on our socials on the day of the season launch. Stay tuned for that post next week!

Originally posted by punisher2431

just a quick question. will there a cp event before this season ends. if not, i can stop waiting and get my legendary dame ASAP

Hey there! We don't see a Double CoD Point event planned for this season. But there are discounts on the official Web Store if you're looking to get the most bang for your buck.

10 Apr

Originally posted by VegetableCelery3735

Are there any news on these draws to return in the future? -mythic DLQ -mythic Ak117 -DLQ bass booster

Hey hey, one of those three will be returning next season (S4). The next Community Update will have info on which one ๐Ÿ‘€

Originally posted by Washingtonpinot

Why are you buffing the LMG with the highest impact!? At 1.5, itโ€™s higher than the Bruen at 1.4 and all the rest at 1.35.

Hey there! Weapons and buffed and nerfed for a variety of reasons. The team is constantly watching weapon usages as well as community feedback when changes are made and will then continue to make adjustments to keep everything balanced. If that ends up pushing it into being the new meta in an unfair way, the team should then adjust it in a way to balance it out. Thanks!

Originally posted by OverallBug1555


Hey hey! Alcatraz will be returning to the rotation later this year. We will share the timing once we have it. Thanks!

Originally posted by DE4THBL4DE

Sooo where is the zombies rehall

Hey hey. Unfortunately, we don't have any updates regarding zombies at this time. When we do have any information we will be sure and share it out.

Originally posted by Golden_Ronin

Hey u/COD_Mobile_Official the MG42 is my favorite weapon in any shooter ever and I'm am very excited to say that the mythic looks chefs kiss infact both this season and s4 have had very nice blueprints, I can tell that lot's of effort has been put into these.ย 

Would like to report a bug here as well that I would greatly appreciate it if it got fixed soon. for some reason American Bulldog (the base version) has weird rendering issues at mid to long range that causes weird glowing boxes to appear on his chest. It disappears when you zoom in or get closer but it's super obvious, more than the red shoulders. Also it would be really nice to get an updated bulldog skin as well sometime

Thanks as alwaysย 

Hey u/Golden_Ronin , love to see the enthusiasm for the new LMG! Tbh we are pretty excited to get our hands on it too. We'll share your kind words with our content teams that worked so hard on the various MG42 looks!

Huh, we haven't heard of that bug yet. Do you happen to have a video of the issue? That would help the team a ton in identifying the cause. Thanks!