Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV Dev Tracker

03 Oct

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Sep

On the 13th August 2013, EU4 was released to the public - and with it a small little event pack called “Purple Phoenix” for a country whose popularity was almost uncanny even back then. Over the ten years, this popularity did not stop but rose further and further, and now it is one of the main three focus points of King of Kings.

Welcome to today’s Development Diary which is all about the one country you guys have been looking forward to the most: Byzantium. Hardly in need of any more introduction on the country, as every single patch of EU4 has at least one video tutorial dedicated to the remnant of the Roman Empire. So without further ado, let us jump into the content we can expect for Byzantium in 1.36.

So first thing first: the setup of Byzantium. The province change has been somewhat spoiled already, but I will mention it here nonetheless to confirm it: yes, Mesambria is now part of Byzantium and it will have the Bulgarian core on it:
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

19 Sep

Good afternoon and welcome to today’s Developer Diary where we will be discussing new content for the Mamluks! As a preface, there is merit in addressing the design approach I chose to pursue for this country. Domination and its huge amounts of content served as a great platform to gauge what the people wanted, what they liked and disliked. This helped shape the content for 1.36 moving forward, as the entire team takes feedback very seriously and our ears are keenly tuned to the forums and various platforms for it.

How does this affect the content of the Mamluks? For starters, the entirety of the Mamluk tree hosts only 2 new country_modifiers, one temporary and one permanent (more on that later). The idea behind this shift is to give more room to mechanic-related bonuses over pure modifier stacking. So, missions for the Mamluks have been designed from the ground up as a way of investing more effort into slower and natural growth for the country. Moreover, the tree was conceive... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

12 Sep

    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rialm:
Originally posted by Marquoz: Nope. They've talked about doing something for South America. After that, who knows.
It's going to be interesting to see how they are capable of making that sector interesting.

Luckily I would love to play as Mamluk, I will check it out when it's released.

You'll be able to see what we having cooking for Mamluks in next weeks Dev Diary :D
    PDXRyagi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by High Society: didnt know this was comming, on the surface seems like a smaller one but I love to seem more flavour in this region.

For sure smaller than something like Domination, this is a region based immersion pack, similar to our previous immersion packs such as Lions of the North. This time focusing on the middle east :steamthumbsup:
Hello everyone, and welcome back to EUIV Dev Diaries! It’s been a while since the last one, but we come with renewed enthusiasm and energy, especially after having celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the game. It’s been great to notice how big and strong the community is after a decade, and we’re very glad about the reception of the different activities that the CM Team has been deploying in the last month. Kudos to them, as well!

During the summer we’ve also been busy planning, designing, and implementing new content for the game. We still have a bunch of ideas even after the massive amount of content that was added in EUIV: Domination, and we think that we can keep improving the game, even after its longevity. Our objective for the next update will be to further raise the quality of the game while finishing fixing and balancing the post-release issues from 1.35.

In that regard, the topic of the next DLC will be new regional content. And the region that will re... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Nwaij on Forums - Thread - Direct
Pavía said: Also after becoming Zoroastrian as Persia you will receive the following event:
View attachment 1022056
...okay, but why Byzantium out of all tags? How likely are they to even exist any more when this can happen, realistically?  

08 Sep

    vasi on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Our latest EU4 mod spotlight features Beyond the Cape.

This mod enriches the seas of EU4 with a rework of several game mechanics, creating a fresh experience for exploration, navies, and colonisation. Portugal also receives a great deal of flavour in the name of immersion and historicity.

Here is Fen_the_man to discuss their work. Enjoy!


Greetings fellow Explorers,

I am Fen_the_man, the creator of Beyond the Cape. This mod focuses on providing a realistic and historical exploration and colonisation experience and overhauling many events and mechanics in the game to be more interesting, fun, and to better resemble how they happened in... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

25 Aug


Grab some snacks 🍿
Our Anbennar Spotlight has turned into an Anbennar Marathon.

Part 2 (And 2.5) of our multi-part spotlight on Anbennar is out now! Featuring a look into the upcoming Sarhal update, join us as we continue our Anbennar world tour. (Once again way too long for steam 👀)

Read our Anbennar Spotlight Part 2 here![]
And check out the moditself on the workshop here:
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Aug

    vasi on Steam - Thread - Direct
Have a question for the devs? Now is your time to shine!

Join us shortly as we host a developer Q&A live on our newly launched Discord Server. Paradox Tinto studio manager and long-time Europa Universalis developer Johan Andersson, and EUIV content designer Álvaro Sanz, will be available to answer your questions.

Q&A begins 15:00 CEST/09:00 EST, and will be live on our Discord server:

We can't wait to see you there!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

17 Aug


Hello EU4 community, and welcome to the first Anbennar Mod Spotlight!
Today, JayBean, the creator of Anbennar and Lead Writer Karlov will be introducing you to the Anbennar EU4 mod and the Anbennar setting as a whole as part of EU4’s 10th birthday celebration in this first of a two-part series.

We'll let JayBean and Karlov take it away:

Anbennar is a fantasy total conversion mod set in an original setting inspired by D&D settings like Forgotten Realms as well as settings like Dragon Age and The Witcher. But first, let’s begin with a question:

Have you ever wanted to see how a fantasy world evolves PAST the medieval era?
How wizards react to the advent of gunpowder?
Or what if colonial exploration actually unearthed relics of immense magical power?

Anbennar is all about exploring those themes ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

15 Aug

Hello everyone! Today we have some very exciting news for you. If you have been waiting for EUIV to finally have its own Official Discord server. Your day has come!

As part of our August Anniversary celebrations, we are launching the official Europa Universalis Discord server.[] If you are interested in sharing your game moments, interacting with the EUIV team, and generally hanging out with our awesome community in a Discord setting we invite you to join! If this sounds appealing to you and you do not have a Discord Account it's fairly easy to make. Discord should do a good job at giving you instructions by simply clicking the link but you can also find more information on accoun... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.