Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by Revelotopher

Hey devs. Congrats on the launch of the game!

My question is this: Will there be changes inbound for the Outlander class? Several people have raised concerns about getting fragments, the limit on charges. Being unable to place their abilities due to building restrictions and generally how the class feels very counter intuitive.

Well we will be balancing tons of the Heroes as we play through. So I wouldn't say anything is fixed just yet, just in a state of evolution.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I wondered a couple things myself: 1. Can we have it so that structures can be picked up and moved or materials changed after being built? 2. Can survivors not placed in squads be shown at our storm shield base? 3. More storage? 4. Possibility for some raids/boss fights? 5. Some way to totally deconstruct storm shield base and preserve materials for rebuilds? 6. Drone/overhead view of one's base? I am sure there will be some awesome designs to share with the community.

1) Not yet. 2) That would be awesome right? 3) Skill tree unlocks a bunch 4) That would be cool right? 5) Maybe 6) Camera control would be neat...


Originally posted by vwaexperiance

Will there ever be a completely open world survival mode? Basically allowing a team to drop into a world and build, defend and survive?

I was hoping for more of a open world base building, survival mode when I bought the game. Examples: Rust, minecraft, 7 days to die, or any of those style games.

Really liking the game so far though. Excited to see how things come along.

Those games are pretty sweet! We definitely have ideas on how to do stuff like that in a Fortnite. It's multi-part though, open world, iron-man survival modes etc. So we have to slice up the ideas and work through all of them. So I suspect you'll see pieces coming online over the next few years.


Originally posted by KashiKakes

Will you guys ever add some way of quick destroying structures/traps we've built? I can kinda understand out in the missions, but when we're just screwing around in homebase building a base it would be really nice to have an Undo, or a quick qay to tear down a wall or something, cause JESUS tearing down metal walls gets TEDIOUS.

On a similar note please for the love of god add in something that gives us SOMETHING back when we do destroy our own structures/traps, I'm not asking for a full refund here, but ANYTHING would be a nice change, the fact that I can make a wooden wall using 60 wood then take it apart piece by piece and get 0 wood is frankly RIDICULOUS

Yeah, we've been thinking about when you are out of combat, inside your outpost enabling the ability to destroy stuff more quickly. (As the owner) There's some weird things that happen when we do it in mission though. The building time really is a function of using it while fighting/exploring.


Originally posted by bigpapasmurf6

Hey guys - Fantastic game. Truly one of the first games me and my group of friends have picked up and sank hours into together in a LONG time.

My question for you is :Co-op bases. Is this something that may be plausible? A clan feature of sorts could take care of this by having one shared base , but making one EPIC base with team work that everyone could access on their own - would be awesome!

Edit: Also - optimization. While I am aware this is early access, if we can shave the load screens down like 1/3 of the time- that would be an awesome start!

That would be awesome. I think once we can ensure that everyone's Storm Shield saving is good, we can start moving on to giving people some shared spaces. As with all things, I'm not sure when, but why wouldn't we, as it would be great!