Fortnite: Save the World

Fortnite: Save the World Dev Tracker

24 Jul


Originally posted by bigpapasmurf6

Hey guys - Fantastic game. Truly one of the first games me and my group of friends have picked up and sank hours into together in a LONG time.

My question for you is :Co-op bases. Is this something that may be plausible? A clan feature of sorts could take care of this by having one shared base , but making one EPIC base with team work that everyone could access on their own - would be awesome!

Edit: Also - optimization. While I am aware this is early access, if we can shave the load screens down like 1/3 of the time- that would be an awesome start!

That would be awesome. I think once we can ensure that everyone's Storm Shield saving is good, we can start moving on to giving people some shared spaces. As with all things, I'm not sure when, but why wouldn't we, as it would be great!