Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Ghost Recon: Wildlands Dev Tracker

19 Mar

Welcome to our latest members!
Originally Posted by Bone_Frog
Thanks Alien. Once again you impress with your attention and thoughtful response to community feedback.
Thanks to you for highlighting this!

Originally Posted by Frag_Maniac
I wasn't even aware this thread had been stickied. I was looking at it thinking I was in the Threads section seeing someone revive it from the last 2 month old postings, and here it was stickied instead. If that was you whom stickied it Alien, much thanks. As has been said ...
Read more

18 Mar

Thread is now more visible as for some really good feedback received from some of you here

07 Mar

    UbiTone on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Ghosts,

We’re actively working on making the Year 2 Anniversary Pack available for eligible players as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience and will update you, and this thread, as quickly as we can.

Thank you!

UPDATE 1 - 4:30pm EST

Some players should be able to receive their rewards. Investigation will continue and this amount will increase throughout the next day until everyone has proper access.

UPDATE 2 - March 8th - 1:00pm EST

The Year 2 rewards to eligible players have been delivered over the past day. Please make sure to access Ubisoft Club and try to redeem your Anniversary pack again, just in case you haven't tried since it wasn't working.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding, Ghosts.

UPDATE 3 - March 12th - 1:50pm EST

The Year 2 rewards have been delivered to players who have logged in between April 1st 201... Read more

26 Feb


We sat down with Content Director and lead developer of Guerrilla Mode, Stephane Boudon to answer questions about the brand-new PvE mode coming to you in Special Operation 4.

Why did the team want to create Guerrilla Mode?

We’ve been thinking about a mode like this for a long time. For Year 2, we wanted to provide content for our hardcore players that like a challenge. Ghost Mode was a lot of fun for our team to tackle, but this experience is outside of the progression of your ‘normal’ campaign mission.

We wanted to make Guerrilla Mode an extension of the main campaign. Whichever character you choose to take on the waves of enemies will collect rewards. Guerrilla Mode was designed to be one of the most fun and efficient ways to gather these main campaign resources, such as XP... Read more

25 Feb

Thanks for sharing those SnW-Heartbreak1, I really like the 3rd shot, something about the angle

19 Feb


Hello Ghosts,

Your support during Year 2 of Ghost Recon Wildlands has been truly incredible and we�re so excited for you to get your hands on the next Special Operation. Our last update for Year 2 of Wildlands, Special Operation 4, will be dropping on Wednesday, February 27.

Special Operation 4 will feature brand-new content for PvE and PvP players, community-requested features, and more.

PvE Mode and Reward: Special Operation 4 contains a brand new PvE mode that will test your endurance. Upon completing the mode for the first time, you will receive an outfit set.

PvP Class and Maps: Another soldier is ready to join the fight. Ghost War will get one additional class, as well as two new maps.

Year 2 Pass: Year 2 Pass holders will get a... Read more

14 Feb

Originally Posted by Hunenmensch
It's your game, I'm just taking pictures of it
It is indeed, however our forums are open to a wider audience and we aim to keep it appropriate, and as such free from inappropriate language and imagery

13 Feb

Please make sure to keep your contributions to the photo thread as appropriate as possible.

I have removed imagery that were not deemed appropriate to post in our forums.

07 Feb


Hello Ghosts,

We are immensely grateful for all the support you have shown during all of our Special Operation updates. You answered Sam Fisher�s call, provided backup to Team Rainbow, and showed Little Brother the ropes.

This month we�ll be releasing the final update for Year 2 of Tom Clancy�s Ghost Recon Wildlands: Special Operation 4.

We will have more intel about Special Operation 4 available soon.

24 Jan

Welcome to our new members!

Great to see you all!

21 Jan

Well done, BlueFox.
I'm sticking the thread

09 Jan

Thank you so much for continuing to share this, I am loving the photos!

07 Jan

This continues to impress me!

21 Dec

Amazing initiative, I'll stick the thread

Thanks for bringing this up, non-exist-ent.

12 Dec

As always great to see your videos Frag

10 Dec

Welcome to you!

If you are looking for groups we have a section of the forums where you can also ask to team up

Head on over and post there and get a great group together
Great to see that you're all contributing to this still, thanks for letting us know

03 Dec

Welcome Sickter & Pochua1

Thank you for joining us!

30 Nov

Ah yes, we've had the same going around the office Hope you feel better soon!

Looking forward to seeing you post more in the future!