Hyper Scape

Hyper Scape Dev Tracker

11 Aug


Click HERE to look at the Twitch Extension Page.

Keep reading below for the step-by-step guide:

This guide will explain how to install and activate the extension. It’s very simple.

Here are the steps needed to activate Hyper Scape Crowncast on your Twitch channel:

1) Launch a new tab with your favorite web browser and login to your stream account on https://twitch.tv

2) Open the description page of ...

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Hello Contenders!

Hyper Scape Season One is finally here, both on PC and Consoles.

The Hyper Scape team wants to thank all the players, streamers, and viewers for their time in the Open Beta. Now that Season One is upon us your feedback is even more important to us, so please keep it coming!

Remember that every reward and all progress unlocked in the game is linked to your Uplay profile and will be available on all platforms thanks to our cross-progression feature.

Welcome to the Season One of Hyper Scape, Contenders!



  • Damage Across Fusion: 18/18/18/18/21
  • Clip size Across Fusion: 12/14/16/18/20


  • Damage Across Fusion: 7/7/7/7/8
  • Clip size Across Fusion: 30/33/36/39/45


  • ...
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Welcome to the Hyper Scape, Contender! Whether you’re returning to Neo Arcadia or diving into Crown Rush for the first time, Prisma Dimensions welcomes you to Hyper Scape Season 1, “The First Principle”, available now! This brings a host of new features and content to the game—some hotly requested, and some surprises—which we will break down for you below.


You read that right. Season 1 marks Hyper Scape’s debut on both Xbox One and PS4, joining our wonderful PC community. No matter which platform you choose, CROSS PROGRESSION allows you to carry your progress with you. This means that if you progressed through your Open Beta Battle Pass by watching Crowncast-enabled Twitch Streams, any content unlocked this way will be available on your account when you first sign in. Not only this, but Prisma Dimensions plans to introduce CROSS-PLAY to Hyper Sc...

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Welcome to the Hyper Scape, Contender. To ensure the best experience for all users, Prisma Dimensions requires you to adhere to this Contender’s Code:


Help us keep Neo Arcadia clean! Prisma Dimensions has a zero-tolerance policy towards hate speech, harassment, and threats. Excessive aggression towards your fellow Contenders will invite repercussions.


Crown Rush Champions play with honor. Users violating game rules, or using unauthorized code, will be swiftly banned. We encourage you to continue being part of the Hyper Scape by respecting its conditions.


Team communication improves win probabilities. You agree to collaborate with squad mates, including (but not limited to) answering pings, assistance requests, and in-game messages.


The Hyper Scape is built by you, our valued users. Prisma Dimensions counts on you to re...

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Unlock 12 exclusive tiers of rewards and earn a new champion and rare loot as you progress through the Season 1 Battle Pass. Connect your account and redeem access to the Battle Pass tiers at the link below. Don’t have Twitch Prime? Either connect with your Amazon Prime or sign up for a free trial today.

Twitch Prime Battle Pass Tiers:

  • Level 1: Takeshi Affiliate Champion
  • Level 5: Dash Of Color Holo-Tag
  • Level 8: Affiliate Riot One Weapon Design
  • Level 11: Affiliate Dragonfly Weapon Design
  • Level 15: Affiliate Mammoth MK I Weapon Design
  • Level 19: Shhhhhh Emote
  • Level 25: Affiliate Protocol V Weapon Design
  • Level 29: Affiliate Komodo Weapon Design
  • Level 33: Affiliate Harpy Weaon Design
  • ...
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Hyper Scape is a battle royale(1) first-person shooter game(2): 100 players are put in a specific area and they must fight each other to win. As battle royale are multiplayer games, a player cannot play offline. The other players are randomly chosen among all the people connected at the time.

At the end of the game, a crown appears, and someone must catch it and keep it to win.



This game is recommended for a teenage audience because it has depictions of non-realistic ...

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30 Jul


Hello once again, PC Open Beta Contenders!

We are excited to announce Patch 0.5, deploying on PC this Friday, July 31 at approx. 2:00pm PT / 5:00pm ET, following the Creators Cup. This represents a broad rebalancing pass on the abilities meta of the game. These changes come after much consideration of your feedback since the beginning of our Open Beta and following the changes introduced in our last patches. To summarize the changes you’ll see below, this is an update to many items of frustration you have voiced.

First and foremost, this patch is about Time-To-Kill. Many of you told us TTK felt too slow and that it was too hard to eliminate opponents. We believe the core of the issue was indeed that weapons were not dealing enough damage, but also that the shooting windows of opportunity were rendered too short by the very strong presence of mobility or defensive Hacks. Hacks started to have too strong an influence on the TTK overall. So, we have foc...

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28 Jul


The Hyper Scape team wanted to take a moment to address the important topic of cheating and hacking in the game. We’ve seen from your posts around the community that cheaters/hackers have begun popping up more and more, and we’ve seen it in our data as well. We want to state firmly that action on this topic is treated with the highest priority on the team, and we fully understand the large disruptive impact upon our players when they come into contact with cheaters in game.

BattlEye – Our Weapon of Choice

Hyper Scape uses BattlEye for its anti-cheat solution. More than simply a piece of software, the BattlEye team themselves are key partners for us in the fight against cheating. We have direct lines of communication open with them so both sides can keep our detection and banning capabilities constantly evolving.

For Hyper Scape specifically, BattlEye kicks in as soon as a player enters matchmaking. What that means is, yo...

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21 Jul

17 Jul


Hello to our PC Open Beta Contenders! We’re happy to bring you Patch 0.4, deployed during our first week of Open Beta to address several points of feedback you’ve been asking us about. This patch will bring fixes to multiple bugs & balancing issues encountered since the Technical Test.

As a quick note, we wanted to point out that this is why Open Beta is very important to us, as it gives us a chance to gather and react to your feedback before Hyper Scape’s full release this summer. To that point, this patch would not have been possible without all your questions, comments, and suggestions. Your feedback is crucial, so please keep it coming.



Detailed changes:

  • Reduced Rate of Fire to 90 RPM, down from 115
  • Reduced Explosion Area of Effect (AoE) to 3R, down from 4.5R
  • Reduced Proximity Radius to 0.55R, down from 0.7R
  • Reduce...
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13 Jul

12 Jul


Hello Contenders! The launch of Hyper Scape’s Open Beta introduces our version 0.3.

This patch comes with a lot of new content and several improvements on issues raised during Technical Test. The test for us was incredibly useful in being able to ensure our server and game client stability is up to the task for the much larger populations we expect when fully live. Your gameplay data gave the development team the crucial information necessary to better understand where our overall Game Balance stands, and what changes will be needed. You’ll see some of these changes already in the notes below, with more planned for launch.

Thanks again for all the feedback you gave us during Tech Test, your help in making Hyper Scape better is critical. We count on you for Open Beta, tell us what you think of the game!



Many of you asked when we would release new weapons, here’s the first one: The Harpy is an...

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Master Your Game with Gameplan, available now for Hyper Scape. Gameplan is a part of the Ubisoft web ecosystem and can help you level up your game by efficiently filtering through YouTube videos for you. The Gameplan system is streamlined to deliver quality content relevant to your needs making it fast and easy to find walkthroughs, tips & tricks, and other helpful content!


Constantly Evolving Category Filters

You can easily filter the top YouTube help videos selected by the community and our team using Gameplan categories. We setup the following main categories for the current s...

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.video-container { position:relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; padding-top:30px; height:0; overflow:hidden; } .video-container iframe, .video-container object, .video-container embed { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%; }

Welcome back to the Hyper Scape, Contender! We appreciate all the excitement and passion you shared with us during the Technical Test. While we know some were not able to participate, the doors to the Hub are now open to PC players in even more countries! And with new players, comes new features for even more action-packed gameplay.

# New Weapons Deployed

First, Prisma Dimensions has deployed the Harpy throughout Neo Arcadia. The Harpy is an SMG-based weapon that excels in close-to-mid-quarters combat. Use it to your advantage to quickly eliminate any opponents who are bringing the pressure.

Your weapon arsenal isn’t the only thing that has been upgraded. You will now...

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Starting today, unlock an exclusive tier of Battle Pass rewards in Open Beta free with Twitch Prime. Link your account at the following link: https://twitch.amazon.com/tp/loot/Hyperscape

Earn up to six unique items including:

  • Level 4: Blue Baton Melee Weapon
  • Level 8: Thumbs Up Celebration
  • Level 12: Warrior Emblem
  • Level 16: Affiliate D-Tap Weapon Design
  • Level 21: Touch of Flair Deployment Pod
  • Level 26: Affiliate Ripper Weapon Design

Don’t have a PC to play in Open Beta? Link your accounts and tune in to any Twitch streamer with the Hyper Scape extension live and earn XP towards the Battle Pass...

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06 Jul


After a few days of warm up in Neo-Arcadia, Prisma Dimensions has a gameplay balancing patch ready for you. This first patch for Hyper Scape should already address some of the key balancing issues you’ve been reporting.

This patch does not include bug fixes, but please be aware we will soon have a status update on known issues.

This update couldn’t have happened without the feedback we’ve gathered from Hyper Scape’s streamers, players, and viewers. Thank you! Your help is critical in allowing us to improve the game, so keep it coming!



The Hexfire (aka Mini-gun, aka brrrrr!) was behaving in a much more dominant/all-purpose role than we witnessed in our own internal tests. The Time-to-kill (TTK) of the weapon is too fast if you add the benefit of a large magazine and firing stability. We want gameplay to be diverse, and so the Hexfire needs to become a less obvious choice vs. o...

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