Last Oasis

Last Oasis Dev Tracker

13 May

We are beyond excited to be featured in Digital Dragon’s Indie Celebration! From now until the 15th of May, we’d love it if you could show your support and cast your vote for Last Oasis in their Community

Vote here![]

Make sure to check out the rest of the showcase here: ... Read more

12 May

It’s time to keep moving, Nomads! The oases have started decaying: this means that the westernmost part of every realm will burn. At the same time, new oases will appear in the East, providing many new opportunities for those who don’t settle. The first oases will decay on May 20th.


Q: How do I know when an oasis will burn?

A: A timer has been added to each tile. When it reaches zero, the oasis will be removed from the game world.

Q: What happens if I’m in an oasis when it burns out?

A: You will be moved automatically to a nearby oasis, regardless if you are online or offline at the time it happens. We opted for this approach since forcing players to come online to move would go against our offline safety principles.

Q: What happens to the stuff I left in an oasis when it burns?

A: Walkers flagged as favorite (up to 5 of them) will also be moved offmap to a nearby oasis, the same as the p... Read more

11 May

  • Fixed inventory sometimes disappearing on login.
  • Fixed stairs having incorrect armor.
  • Improved performance and stability.

08 May

20 Apr

10 Apr

08 Apr

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07 Apr

26 Mar

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