
Rimworld Dev Tracker

30 Apr

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have to say all the moderators on the forum were asked if they wanted to moderate here, and they all turned it down. Though I can ask Ramsis if any of the discord moderators are interested.

28 Apr

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I don't think Oskar wants to do this :p
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have graduated from school with my Masters program, and my time with Ludeon is coming to a close. I have a new job in my degree field and will have even less time to monitor these forums than I already have. I've had some time here to get to know the personalities and I hope I helped keep things a bit less toxic.

What I'm wanting here is some nominations for me to consider to replace me so this place can continue to be community moderated, and I will give them instructions on Tynan's preferred moderating methods.

Please don't nominate yourself, and keep things on topic. This will be a more strictly moderated thread.

12 Apr

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let's chill out on the gatekeeping nonsense. People will never leave the AAA gaming arena, or popular game X arena, if they are always told to go back to it when they are interested in branching out and have questions.

RimWorld's graphic style is abstracted to let understand the concepts going on while letting you fill in the gaps, and also because it's cheap and easy and this was originally a 1 person project.

As for RimWorld 2, as far as I know there are not any plans yet for it, I'm not sure Tynan is the sort to make sequels.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This is literally over 3 years old, PLEASE just make a new topic if you have a question about a new error. The game has been developed further since this topic was started.

26 Mar

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Makes me feel like I should delete some posts so more people get the honor.

15 Mar

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jigain: Personally, I'd rather just not see it at all. I understand people want more views, as views = dollars (well, cents, but still), but I'm just the kind of person who can't stand seeing advertisements. I realize it's not the same for everyone, but that's my genuine feeling on the subject.

If it was restricted to a sub forum, like Jibbles suggests, I'd be satisfied with that. Just means I wouldn't ever go there. But then again, let's be honest, how many will actually use that sub forum?
I don't really care either way, I don't mind if people want to share their creative projects, but I also don't want the discussion group spammed so I was just interested in what other thoughts and ideas there wer... Read more
    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Would the people of the staem discussion group be interested in a sticky topic where people can post their twitch or youtube channels so people if they want to, can have a nice handy list of RimWorld streamers? I would obviously in that thread not enforce Rule 5.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Remember everyone: Rule 5 is 'No Self Promotion'. Self Promotion is acceptable when relevant. For instance, if someone has a problem, and you streamed something similar to this and have a VOD they can watch, you could then recommend your channel and link to your video.

02 Mar

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please keep things on topic and lets limit the back seat moderation.

17 Feb

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a 'soft cap' for each story teller where they will stop sending you colonists and it will be harder to get new colonists, that's around 20 for Cassy and Phoebe, and around 40 for Randy. There is no limit though, I have gotten saves of people with 80+ colonists and I know I've heard people talking of having hundreds.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Was it your post I saw deleted a day or two ago talking about being bored? If so, glad you got the spark. For me it's always been the potential for story generation. You have to roll with the punches and for me it's making up the story in between what's going on that really does it for me.

16 Feb

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Locking thread.

15 Feb

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
wow was it at 500%?
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have issued a three day ban to Lasfer for Rule 1 and Rule 2.

12 Feb

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I am very cautiously leaving this topic open. I am aware some people seem to think there is some desire to suppress information that is not happening.

I will be more strictly moderating this topic, however, so keep that in mind.

The RimWorld EULA has provisions against including malware in mods, beyond this there is no official stance on this topic from Ludeon.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, it's RimJobWorld, its a misnomer that it can't be named. Some of its content is questionable and can lead to TOS violations with Steam or other hosting companies. What is not allowed is the typical 'war stories' posts and memes that might come from it, due to those TOS we all have to abide by.

Edit: By TOS, I mean Steam and hosting companies, not Ludeon.
    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
These conversations are stale before they are posted.

19 Jan

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I just want to clarify. There is no "forbidden mod", people can discuss mods not hosted on steam. (Though a steam friendly version is here now) Posting links or sharing stories that happen from RJW, however, would break TOS of Steam. Do not do this. So, mentioning or recommending RJW is fine. Discussing the "stuff" that happens in it? No.

13 Jan

    pheanox on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
*sad trombone noises*