Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

04 Apr

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We have a small update today to fix some issues with Grand Arena. Please note that the next Grand Arena does not include ships so you will not see several of these fixes until the following Grand Arena.
  • [Grand Arena] - Fixed using auto deploy for the first round of Grand Arena displays incorrect reinforcements count number
  • [Auto Deploy] - Grand Arena First round auto-deploy fleet squad power is now displayed correctly
  • [Auto Deploy] - Fixed first round auto-deploy in Grand Arena does not deploy reinforcement ships
  • [Auto Deploy] - Fixed an error that occasionally occurs for a BYE with 1st round Auto-deploy enabled

03 Apr

Hi Holotable Heroes!

We had an update today to fix a minor art issue with packs when using the Japanese client. Most players should not be affected by this update but you can reboot your client if you are still seeing issues with the art on packs.

28 Mar


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

pox-filled no-go zone is quite a visual picture. EDIT: I wrote picture and was like - that is necessarily a visual. Good one, bro.

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Hi Holotable Hereos,

We are aware of the issues with loading into the Cantina. This is primarily affecting players who are in the current Grand Arena but we have pushed a hotfix out already and it should have resolved the issue. Please restart your client if you have any additional problems loading into the game.

We've got a lead on it and looking into it. We should have just posted something to the forums. Hang tight.

27 Mar

Hi Holotable Heroes!
Here is all the new content you’ll find after today’s update, 3/27/2019.

CHANGES Read more
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Hey Everyone,
Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for April.

Daily Login Character for April: B2 Super Battledroid eC3M8pF.png
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are on track to update the game later today with the changes to Finn and to add our April events. Please note that the changes to Finn will be live in the current Grand Arena. Specifically in Grand Arena, Finn will have his abilities updated and keep the abilities at the same level you entered Grand Arena so you can try out the new zFinn for several days if you already had him upgraded.

Please note that Finn will be updated for all other modes but will have any ability materials spent refunded to your inbox.

Originally posted by DarthDonnelly

Sorry but I still have the issue, I'm using another device in order to play, could you help me

Hey, have you already tried to reinstall the game? If not, please give it a try and let me know if the issue remains.

26 Mar

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Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are finally ready to launch the changes to zFinn in the next update. Previously, I mentioned that we found some additional issues since Tophat’s last post around zFinn’s kit and that we would need to take another pass to fix the infinite loop in Phase 3 of the Sith Raid with zFinn and C-3PO. We had shared a possible solution earlier, but while the changes TopHat discussed prevented infinite loops in Phase 3, in further testing we realized we inadvertently added a new trivializing loop to Phase 1, so we have made some additional changes from the reworked kit you originally ... Read more

Hi all, just a quick update. All players who sent me their Ally Codes or have contacted our Customer Support team have the missing Darth Revan shards on their accounts now.

For any additional reports or if anyone was missed, please send me a private message.

Thank you and apologies for the inconvenience.


Originally posted by Simultado

Hey. Please also check payout buff on BH. Currently im tryin to finish 500 payouts on greedo in GW but once ill hit someone 10th time with basic it shows that its 100% and activated but i didnt get any payout buff and it didnt count in my mission neither

We've flagged a bug with some Bounty Hunter contracts as well. Thank you.


Originally posted by DarthDonnelly

Help it's still happening to me

Hey, apologies for the delay in responding to you. I just checked your account and can see activity today. If the issue returns I would suggest to reinstall the game. It should fix it. Thanks and let me know if you run into any other issues.


Man, I wish GWR was on YouTube instead of just a dumb ol' podcast!

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Hi Holotable Heroes,
Here are the Known Issues for 3/26/2019.

Known Issues
  • Nihilus - Annihilate is not dealing damage to raid bosses
  • Bounty Hunter Contracts - Aurra Sing and Greedo's Contracts and Payouts are not properly being fulfilled when the conditions are met
  • [b]zFinn's interaction in P3 of HSTR[/b] - This is still being worked on and I should have an update later today
  • Bastila Shan Fallen - Wild Lightning is not properly prioritized by the AI of defense

Please head over to Answer HQ if you are still experiencing technical issues ... Read more
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

We recently announced changes to Platoons in Territory Battles were coming but we failed to mention when! I thought I had let you all know previously that this would start with the first Territory Battles in April, but it turns out I hadn't. My deepest apologies, that one's on Crumb.

Also importantly, we adjusted the lists by removing the duplicate characters in the ... Read more

25 Mar


Thanks! The whole team worked incredibly hard to try and create faithful adaptations of the things we all loved from Kotor. When the opportunity to do Calo as a boss in this event came up, I knew I had to get that famous counting scene into his kit somehow. It was actually one of the most challenging things I've ever had to implement (logic chains are FUN) but I think it really hits that note those of us who played it have when we think back about that infamous bounty hunter.


Hey, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Can you please send me your Ally Code via PM so I can look into it?



This issue should be fixed now, but if anyone is still encountering issues with the Darth Revan event (Error Code 9.0, blank screen, endless loading, etc) or are stuck at Loading Cantina, please try the following:

- Restart game

- Restart device

- Reinstall game

If the issue still remains after having tried the above, please send me your Ally Code and details of the issue via PM and we will look into it further.

Thank you and apologies for any inconvenience caused.