EVE Online Community Team

EVE Online Community Team

28 Apr

Greetings, capsuleers!

Welcome to a special Capsuleer Day edition of The Beat! In this issue, we have some exciting news and updates for the community, including upcoming in-game events, shennagins, incredible fan art, and an introduction to some new EVE Partners.

Capsuleer Day is May 6th, and EVE will be celebrating its 20th birthday! Make sure to stop by or tune into the CCP Twitch channel on the 6th starting at 17:00 UTC. We’ll have some fun events, prizes, and a special appearance from CCP Hellmar. Who knows, maybe you will wind up with an illusive CCP Hellmar corpse….

Bellicose ...

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14 Apr

Welcome back, capsuleers. It is time for the Community Beat. 

Hopefully you had a wonderful time over the past week. Its almost the weekend and with it comes new and exciting things happening in the community. In the last Community Beat we shared some amazing watercolor paintings and found out what Youtube Shorts are all about.

Lastly we said our goodbyes to our friends, NeedsToBeReal and HateLesS. To commemorate their contributions we have added NeedsToBeReal's signature Imperial Navy Slicer and a handful of HateLesS's favorite ships into the in-game Community Fittings. These fits can be found by searching for their names in the fitting to...

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31 Mar

Greetings Spacefriends,

We have several things we'd like to highlight this time around. Let's get to it!


Starting off with some art that caught our eyes. Allie Po posted a watercolor painting of an Astero over on Twitter. It looks fantastic! Keep it up.


Then from the same artist, a portrait of Zorya Triglav.

alyreppo-fanart-of-zorya-triglav... Read more

03 Mar

Hello spacefriends, it’s time for another Community Beat! This is where we highlight some of the cool things you've been up to & where we raise awareness of upcoming player events.

FF4A 23

To begin, we would like to give a quick shoutout to the Frigate Free 4 All happening Saturday March 11th. This is the 9th Annual Frigate Free 4 All in Ouelletta and we hope to see you on grid!

Up next, we present to you the CUTEST PvP video we've seen in a while. It's Lasker Emanuel, who made a name for himself many years ago with his solo Dreadnought PvP videos, but here he's teaching his son how to PvP! You can hear them talk back and forth during this video...

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17 Feb

Hello spacefriends, it’s time for another Community Beat! PLEX for GOOD is currently underway and we really want to put a spotlight on that for this edition. Read on!


Last week CCP kicked off a new PLEX for GOOD campaign to help raise funds for those affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. You can read the announcement blog here. The campaign runs until 23:59:59 UTC on Tuesday, 21 February 2023.

Once again EVE Online’s fantastic community has swung into action and spun up their own fundraising efforts to collect even more PLEX. Here are some upcoming PLEX for GOOD events organised by players which you can get involved in!

Alliance Tournament Prize Ship Auction


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20 Jan

Hello spacefriends, and welcome to the latest Community Beat! Let's take a look at some of the things that have caught our attention in the community over the last couple of weeks.

The 2nd SvB 2v2 Frigate Tournament

If you're itching to get involved in some competitive PvP while you're waiting to hear more about the next Alliance Tournament you should check out the SvB 2v2 Frigate Tournament which is coming up in February with some cool prizes up for grabs!

For full details including the rules and Discord link check out ...

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18 Nov

Welcome to the latest installment of the Community Beat! It's a feast for your eyes this time with a stack of terrific player made videos that have appeared on our radar since the last edition. Read on!

Alliance Tournament XVIII

The first weekend of the Alliance Tournament was an explosive success with match after match showcasing some amazing EVE PvP. Unlike the Trials which took place on the Thunderdome tournament server, the AT finals happen on Tranquility and all ships and modules are paid for by players. The first weekend saw 386 ships worth nearly 260 billion ISK destroyed. 💥

There were some surprises with strong teams like Hidden Leaf Village, Bright Side of Death and Pandemic Legion being sent home as well as Brave Collective’s startling wins over Fancypants Alliance and Big Yikes to keep them in the winners bracket.

Click the image below to watch the nailbiting battle between Arrival and Hidden Leaf Village:


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04 Nov

Salutations spacefriends and welcome to another Community Beat.

Its been a hectic couple of weeks since the last Community Beat so without further ado lets jump in and see whats been happening.

Faruzen en Divalone : First Myrmidon Navy Issue Killed

It's not often that an opportunity arises to be the first at something in EVE Online, let alone document that achievement.

On 15th October the Myrmidon Navy Issue ship named 'Spirit of Serthoulde' belonging to Faruzen en Divalone was destroyed. This represents the first loss of a Myrmidon Navy Issue since they were introduced late last month.

At the time of its demise the ship had 15 killmarks in t...

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21 Oct

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the Community Beat!

This is where we shine our spotlight on some interesting things that have emerged from the player base in the last couple of weeks. There is fantastic player-created art, some awesome YouTube videos of players using the new Navy Ships and more!

New Eden Fantasy Map

Ithica Hawk has teamed up with Rixx Javix to sell prints of his hand-drawn New Eden fantasy map (Drawn by Ithica, coloured by Rixx). It looks absolutely amazing! You can find all links via Ithica's tweet about it here. New Eden Fantasy Map...

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07 Oct

Community-minded capsuleers!

Welcome to the Community Beat where we shine a spotlight on some interesting things that have emerged from the player base in the last couple of weeks. There are some in-game events to participate in, some cool player-created art, and some awesome third-party tools. Let’s gooooo!

🔺 Totality Day 🔺

October 13 is Totality Day which marks the anniversary of the creation of the Pochven region and the conclusion of the Triglavian Invasion. Triglavian-aligned capsuleers - known as Kybernauts - celebrate this anniversary with a series of events starting on October 9. Check out ...

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23 Sep

Welcome back pilots to the Community Beat!

Can you believe this is already the 25th issue of the Community Beat?! Fifty weeks ago we started on a journey to help introduce players to the myriad of EVE’s community resources, in-game events, out-of-game gatherings, developer chats – anything and everything!

Let’s get to it!

If You Build It…


We’ve featured YouCaldarian before, but he’s at it again makin...

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26 Aug

Hello spacefriends and welcome to another installment of the Community Beat!

Caldari Union Day

Union Day events are in full swing in-game so it seems like a good time to show off some of the Caldari-flavored creativity that has come out of the community in recent weeks.

First of all there’s this excellent Caldari State trailer by Kaneda Emperis which was assembled from scratch in Blender and After Effects::

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Meanwhile ...

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12 Aug

Welcome back to the Beat!

We often say that EVE players rock our world. Since our last Beat, that has actually been quite literal! CCP Studios, based in Reykajvik, has played home to some serious geological activity in the last two weeks. After a series of earthquakes, the Geldingadalir volcano became active once again. If you’d like to bring some Icelandic ambiance into your homes, check out the live coverage of the activity below:

.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; margin:20px 0;} .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

But we’re not going to be stopped by some pesky lava! This week we take a look back at some developer chats, marvel at AI inspired art, and look forward to some player events in and out of game. Let’s get to it!

AI Generated Art

Text-to-image generators ha...

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29 Jul

Hello spacefriends and welcome to the latest Community Beat! Let's goooooo!

Battle of the Bricks Winners

We’re happy to announce the winners of the recent Battle of the Bricks building contest! The community submitted dozens of incredible entries and after much deliberation we arrived at the following victors:

First Place: Primae submitted by Pierre E.

Second Place: Claw submitted by Imiarr Timshae


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15 Jul

Welcome back, Capsuleers!

Player meets and in-game events were all the rage in the last Community Beat, and this week we’ve got quite the Beat in more ways than one! Sit back, strap in, and enjoy!

Liberation Day

Move over Federation Day, July is all about the Seven Tribes! This week Ushra’Khan hosted Liberation Day festivities in the system of Pator, complete with an impressive fireworks display and – in true Matar fashion – a Rifter free-for-all brawl. StineControl outlasted the competition and took the first place prize of two billion ISK. Well played!

Minmatar Fireworks...

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01 Jul

Greetings Spacefriends!

In the last episode, we saw some great projects from the community, including the Battle of Bricks Lego Submissions, a beautiful watercolor, and the plans for a player-run Federation Day Event! Let's quickly touch on that final point event and get things rolling with this edition of the Community Beat!

Poster Perfect

Federation Day was a massive success last weekend seeing celebrations across multiple Gallente systems! One of the events we featured last week was a poster design contest - we’d like to say a big congratulations to ...

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17 Jun

o7 fellow Capsuleers and we are back again with another hit of the Community Beat!

In the last episode, we covered some of the ongoing projects in the community which have now concluded, so lets us wrap them up!

The Anger Games 5

Screenshot 3840x2160

The Anger Games 5 has now concluded after 3 weekends over on the Twitch channel, with congratulations to the first place winners “On...

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03 Jun

Welcome back to The Beat, Capsuleers!

We are now flying at full speed through the CSM election season and Anger Games 5. In the past two weeks we have seen several candidates going out there and giving interviews on your platforms as well as being interviewed on CCPTV. The first weekend of the Anger Games 5 concluded last weekend and the organizers of Anger Games 5 will return this weekend on CCPTV with another amazing weekend of brawls.


CSM 17

In the last ...

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20 May

Welcome back Capsuleers!

It feels like just yesterday when downtown Reykjavik was bustling with EVE players for Fanfest. It was an incredibly awesome experience, and if you missed any of the content you can catch it all back on our YouTube or Twitch channels. The city won’t be the same without you, but fortunately we have...

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29 Apr

Greetings Capsuleers,

Welcome to this special Fanfest edition of the Community Beat! This time next week, many of you will already have descended on the rock to meet your friends, corpmates, and EVE Online developers. You‘ve been able to feel the vibe of Fanfest’s return around the office for many weeks, but we are growing increasingly excited to actually high-five old friends and make new connections over the event week. A lot is going on, so if you have not already, do make sure to check out the Fanfest 2022 Megablog we released earlier.

The Community team

It has been a good few years since we last met at an official event. We want to better introduce the Community team to all the pilots coming to the world’s best player convention. Our team ar...

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