Lucía Prieto

Lucía Prieto

26 Jun


You’ve got plenty of questions, and we’ve got plenty of answers. Welcome to Temtem: Showdown’s official FAQ.

  • How much is Temtem: Showdown?
    • Temtem: Showdown is totally free to play, free to own, and with no-ingame purchases. It is 100% free.
  • Where can I get Temtem: Showdown? Is it available on all platforms?
    • No. Temtem: Showdown is only available on Steam as of now, and you can get it here: ...
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19 Jun


Hey Tamers! Three months flew by and we’re here again with another update! Patch 1.4 is mostly focused on the competitive aspects of the game, while patch 1.5 will be entirely PvE-centered. While we’re all super bummed about the Arcade Bar being delayed, we’ll keep working hard to make every patch interesting and an improvement to the game!

A new Season

With patch 1.4 comes Season 4: Splash up! This is a Season filled with pool parties, beach sunsets, chill activities and summer fun. It’s a Season for splashing around and not fighting the current, but rather following it! There will be two events during this Season.


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Dojo Wars are disabled throughout June. The first Dojo War with the new system will take place on the week of July 24th to July 30th.

  • Time for a new Season! Season 4, called Splash Up!, is all about pools, beaches, summer and its activities.
    • Season 4 will last from June 19th to September 25th. Remember you can see this in-game, on the upper right corne...
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06 Jun


Hello, Tamers!

The build for patch 1.4 has been sent out, which means that the platform holders for the consoles will review the build, and find any possible issues. Once they give us a green light, the patch is ready to be published on the the planned date, which for 1.4 is June 19th.

Would you like to know more about what’s included in patch 1.4? Let’s go!


A new Season

With patch 1.4 comes Season 4: Splash up! Like you can probably guess, this is a Season filled with pool parties, beach sunsets, chill activities and summer fun.


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18 May


Hello, Tamers! Season 3 is still in full-blown, but, following community feedback, we’re showing you the end-of-season rewards a bit earlier this time, so you’re encouraged to aim for the rank you want. This Season’s rewards are themed around victory and glorious laurels, to commemorate the competitive theme of the Clash of Tamers Season.



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04 May


All platforms

  • Fixed a softlock occurring when a Trait that is activated when a Temtem faints is triggered.
  • 👥Fixed getting softlocked when using certain techniques with Striking Transmog Mimit during a Randomlocke run.
  • Fixed a softlock after scrolling down in the Showdown’s Tempedia if the Temtem shown filled exactly one entire row.
  • Fixed Scent effects being transferred from the main file to the Challenge Mode save.
  • Fixed swapping a Temtem for another in a Showdown team would show the Techs of the previous Temtem on the new one.
  • Fixed Zaobian/Arachnyte being banned on the TemSafari if they’d changed their secondary Type through their traits, and it ended ...
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03 May


Hello Tamers! We are bringing you a mid-Season update on the upcoming balance plans for Season 4 and patch 1.4. We have been working on this patch for some weeks and there’s already a lot of progress on it, so we’d love to share some of it with you.

We previously announced that the focus for this patch would be on Stall, and that has not changed: we’ve practically reviewed all Temtem with a primary usage in Stall. 

Overall, the key to making Stall more interactive is to strike balance between defensive and offensive strategies, and to keep the opponent on their toes by introducing unexpected moves and tactics. 

That’s not all, of course: during these past weeks we have also started reviewing every support and some bulky offense Temtem. Our approach has been to establish a set of “rules” or checks shared amongst all of them, to ensure that they are all seen under the same light.

... Read more

17 Apr


  • 👥We’ve added an indicator for the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes that will show you the number of captures left for the zone you’re currently in. It’s located next to the Minimap.
  • 👥We’ve added an Species Clause to the Nuzlocke and Randomlocke modes:
    • When running into a Temtem they have already tamed before as the first encounter on any given zone, the player can defeat it or run away without wasting one of their allowed encounters.
    • However, if any given Temtem has already fainted in that Tamer’s run, defeating it will count as an encounter still.
    • ...
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13 Mar


Tamers, the time has come to face challenges like we’d never seen before! Patch 1.3 is here with a new Season, three new Challenge Modes, a new currency, new location and new usage for Luma Tems.

Ready to dive in?


Challenge Modes

Have you ever considered Temtem to be tough? Yeah, me too. But what if we managed to make it even harder? The new Challenge Modes are here to add a new layer of complexity for those who love a good challenge, extreme limitations, and a taste of pure randomness.


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  • Like with every Season change, your TMR will be soft-reset at the beginning of Season 3. Soft reset means it won’t be reduced to 0 or to 1000, which was the starting point, but rather to a middle point between your TMR at the moment and 1000. The formula, for those interested in the specifics, is ((1000 + S2 TMR) / 2).
  • Following Season change, too, rank redistribution will happen, and Competitive ranks will be redistributed in accordance with the population that played ranked matches during the previous Season. This means the cutoff numbers will change, i.e., if yo...
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01 Mar


As Temtem enters its 3rd Season, Clash of Tamers, so begins the TemCS Season 3! Here are the date and time for the next batches of TemCS Tournaments.

By community request we’ve delayed the start date of the tournaments on all regions, as well as set a common time so all tournaments in the same region start more and less at the same time. Please be careful of daylight saving time!

Remember you can see all the dates, times and info over at!


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24 Feb


Hello, Tamers! Time flies, huh? It seems like it was just yesterday when we were spoiling the contents of version 1.1 and 1.2, but we’re already here, sharing some insight into the upcoming 1.3! We’re hoping to be able to launch this patch on March 6th. We’ll keep you posted if anything happens!

Let’s jump into the bigger, most interesting features this patch will bring.


Challenge Mode

Have you ever considered ...

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02 Feb


  • We’ve taken this chance to re-synchronize the status of the Tempedia and the Kudos. This should improve, and hopefully eradicate, any discrepancy between the Kudos that involve capturing Tems and Lumas, and your actual Tempedia number. This is an issue we’ve been after for a while, so please let us know if you still ex...
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20 Jan


The first batch of regional events is about to end!

While we are happy with the positive reception the TemCS has had, we know we still have a lot of things to improve. That’s why we will keep listening to your feedback and work to move everything in the right direction.

The following changes will start taking place at the start of February. We wanted to explain the reasons behind each change, but if you find the reading too heavy, feel free to skip straight to the changes made in each section.


Regional Events

Intention behind the changes:

Regional Opens were intended as short, fast-paced tournaments with the goal of serving as an intro into the competitive world for new players, while allowing for more veteran players to fish for small amounts of TRP. It is clear that in their current state, they are not fulfilling either of the goals. Furthermore, fai...

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09 Jan


  • We’ve had to delete all the Showdown codes, except the eSports ones, due to a data conflict. Your teams haven’t been affected, you’ll just need to generate a new code, and, if you were using or posting it somewhere, replace that with the new one.
  • Aqua Bullet Hell has accidentally been removed from your Umishi and Ukama, but you’ll have an empty technique slot and ABH will be in your learned techniques, so you can re-learn it immediately. We apologize for the inconveniences!


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17 Dec


Temtem Championship Series

The Temtem Championship Series (or TemCS, as we like to call it), is Crema’s officially-sanctioned tournament series. It will take place in 2023, with the possibility of celebrating future editions based on the success and interest it generates in this inauguration .  Players around the world will be split into 3 regions to compete in a set of regional and interregional tournaments throughout the year, battling for Tamer Rating Points (TRP) to qualify for the Temtem World Championship, where the strongest Tamers around the globe will fight for the title of World Champion.

While we are very excited to announce it, keep in mind this is our first time maintaining an official competitive scene, so while we plan to stick to the format presented below, changes might be made to the circuit in the future to better fit and adapt to the need...

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15 Dec


Hello, Tamers!

To celebrate the start of Temtem Season 2, and to start getting down to business on the esports scene, we will be holding the first ever Crema-run tournament this very Saturday!
The tournament will be a friendly show match tourney with the best minds the competitive scene of Temtem has to offer. The highest ranked players have signed up and are ready to show everyone the peak of Temtem PvP battling.


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12 Dec


Welcome Tamers to our first event ever, and the first of many: the Winterfest!

Winterfest is an event to commemorate the festive season and the hol...

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05 Dec


Hello Tamers! We’re ready to give way to a new Season of Temtem, and with it, patch 1.2, filled with exciting new content and delightful improvements.

Like you already know because we told you back then, this update is actually 1.1 and 1.2 merged together, and called 1.2 for clarity. This means there’s a lot of content to dig through, so accompany me as I walk you through it!

A new Season

Of course, this means a new Season is beginning!...

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  • This patch represents both update 1.1 and 1.2 fused together, like we explained in-depth here...
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