

30 May



A small fix today to get rid of a bug that snuck in on the last Hotfix.

This hotfix will feature the following changes:

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the player from adjusting their camera while holding down the button for Spell Slot 2.

If you're having issues with the game, make sure to take a look at our known bugs and fixes[] to see if there's a potential solution to get you back into Vardoran as quickly as possible!
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29 May


Greetings Vampires!

Today we bring you a series of quality of life and usability fixes, a new optional gamepad layout, a whole host of bug fixes, and a ton of V Blood changes to make the visuals on fights more clear, as well as adjust the difficulty just a bit to be better in line with our expectations.

This hotfix will be going live shortly and feature the following changes:

  • A number of FX have been updated with new visuals to improve performance.
  • Soul Shards will now automatically be destroyed if not picked up from the ground after 60 minutes.
  • Server Details window now displays castle pvp times.
  • Soul Shards can no longer be spawned using the console command unless the shard has already dropped (to avoid admin mistakes by spawning shards that are not bound ...
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22 May


Greetings Vampires!

Another week of our covert war against sinister forces wages on (because the only sinister forces should be us), and with that, we bring you another list of fixes and adjustments to better perfect your experience of those lovely, blood-soaked Vardoran nights.

This hotfix will feature the following changes:

  • A number of visual effects have been updated to improve performance in combat.
  • Optimizations for doors in castles to improve performance in big castles with lots of doors.
  • Made doors fade out in front of the player.
  • Optimizations have been done to a number of UI elements to improve performance.
  • Added a 2 second immaterial buff to players when exiting Dracula’s Throne Room.
  • Some objects in Cur...
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15 May


Greetings Vampires!

Here are a few quick fixes to try and help out those Vampires who might be at risk of unraveling.

This hotfix will feature the following changes:

  • A fix that will “repair” journal quests that were not progressing the “Leave Crypt” quests.
  • Several crash fixes to various uncommon but significant events.

If you're having issues with the game, make sure to take a look at our known bugs and fixes[] t... Read more

14 May


Greetings Vampires!

The war on bug-kind continues unabated as our elder Vampires set to massacring those who would disrupt our mission to conquer Vardoran! We are doing our utmost to ensure you, or kin, can build your legend uninterrupted. Consider this one more step towards the most perfect Vampire experience we can offer.

This hotfix will feature the following changes:

  • Fixed a rare bug where players could get stuck in combat once they leave a fight.
  • Fixed a rare issue where players could get stuck outside of the map with a “blue screen” on login, as their character was not synced properly to their client.
  • Fixed a potential server crash issue.
  • Fixed an issue where players would technically still have a weapon equipped after dragging and dropping it into the upgra...
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10 May

    SLS_Jeremy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Will strongly consider adding a second Frostmaw. (But seriously this fight took me like 5 tries my first time.)
    SLS_Jeremy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm a bit biased, obviously, but from my own experience and what I've heard repeated from other players, you're fully able to enjoy the game solo. That being said I'm sure there are plenty of other people who can weigh in if you don't want to take my word for it.

Greetings Vampires!

We give the dust no time to settle on our coffins! We’re hard at work slaying the first round of bugs following our full launch. We’re doing everything to make your bloody massacre across Vardoran as dignified and bug free as it should be, and in the spirit of that we offer the following bug fixes.

The hotfix, which will begin at 7 UTC and will be rolled out over Official Servers over the next 30-60 minutes, will have the following changes:

  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to mount horses when using a gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the Incursion Events would not run correctly on select PvP servers, causing all events to stop running for an additional 24 hours+.
  • Fixed an issue where cosmetic items could be salvaged into high tier materials than intended.
  • ...
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08 May


There has never been a better time to be a Vampire! V Rising emerges from its Early Access coffin and rises into its full 1.0 release, and you can get it in all of its fully realized glory right now!


The journey to full release was rife with dangers and challenges, but your feedback and raw excitement helped us navigate the winding roads to a ... Read more

03 May


Server Maintenance

Greetings Vampires!

In preparation for the full launch of V Rising, there is going to be server reorganization and maintenance taking place over the weekend leading up to the patch.


Servers will be CLOSED starting at 12:30 UTC on Monday, May 6, and will remain down until May 8, fully reset and ready for you to strike out into Vardoran fresh!

IMPORTANT NOTE! Player-run servers will not be affected by this downtime.
... Read more

02 May


The full launch is at hand, Vampires!
May 8th is fast approaching, and with it comes the beginning of a new era of V Rising. We’ve come a long way since we first launched in Early Access on May 17th, 2022, and many of you have been with us on that journey. Next week, the thrills will reach new heights, and we’re excited for you to finally get your hands on the culmination of our work and passion over the years!

We certainly can’t discount the huge impact you, the player, have had on the game we’ve built and helped us make an amazing experience for all the fledgling Vampires only just now discovering us. A warm welcome to the night for all of you looking forward to discovering Vardoran for the first time, there truly has never been a better time to be a Vampire.

Speaking of which, if you haven’t had a ... Read more

25 Apr


Greetings Vampires!

Today, we plunge into the cold, dark depths of the Ruins of Mortium to explore our Vampire history. With the return of the king of kindred, it is perhaps time to remind ourselves of who we are and explore the new revelations of our people’s legend. We’re cracking open ancient tomes and telling old tales, then getting a taste of what is to come with the coming invasion that threatens the return of Dracula.

Before we start, have you seen everything we have coming May 8th? If not, make sure you have a look. We’ve got everything coming in 1.0 in one place, just for you, our beloved night kin.

... Read more

11 Apr


The Night Approaches!

Welcome to your dark future, Vampires!

With the big update right around the corner, now is the time to get caught up on all the details of what you can expect in the update this May 8th! We’ve pooled all our dark knowledge in one convenient place for you to fully inform yourself on what you can look forward to as we celebrate our full release, including many yet-unannounced features we’re unveiling for you today!

What are you waiting for? Click the link below to explore the next evolution of V Rising.

... Read more

10 Apr


Today, as a part of the Triple-I Initiative alongside a host of extremely talented studios and incredible game announcements, we’ve revealed a trailer for our crossover event: Legacy of Castlevania! We're thrilled to present the first gameplay preview of this exciting collaboration with Konami Digital Entertainment (KONAMI).

If you’re looking to unleash your inner Alucard, take on legendary shapes, and surround yourself with the intricate majesty of the masterwork crafts of Castlevania, you’ll be able to check out all the details coming with it and even get a headstart pre-ordering the Legacy of Castlevania Premium Pack before it becomes available on May 8th in the link below!

... Read more

02 Apr


When we launched into Early Access back in May 2022, we made V Rising available for its current price with the understanding that we were delivering a game still in development. Players could hop on board at a better rate, creating a great deal for early adopters eager to dive into V Rising while also supporting its development.

After two years in Early Access, five years of development, and significant progress in the game, the price will now be increased to reflect its full value. We’re happy to be approaching the full 1.0 version of V Rising this May 8th, 2024 with another massive update to complete the Vampire Experience! That means we’ll be increasing the price of V Rising on Steam to 34.99 USD/EUR.

Right now is your last chance to get V Rising at its current price: 19.99 USD/EUR. It will be available f... Read more

26 Mar


Legacy of Castlevania is coming to V Rising on May 8th!

In collaboration with Konami Digital Entertainment (KONAMI), Stunlock Studios proudly presents Legacy of Castlevania! The mighty hero of the Belmont Clan, Simon Belmont, is here to challenge all of Vampire kind. Wielding his legendary Vampire Killer and an infamous arsenal of holy weaponry, no night stalker will be safe from his righteous crusade through Vardoran. Defeat him and unlock the secrets of a brand new weapon, the whip, adapting new combat abilities that embody the grace and precision of the deadly Vampire hunter!

All vampires will be able to face the Belmont heir to test their skills in battle, bu... Read more

14 Mar


V Rising is emerging from the shadows to take its greatest form to date! Join millions of Vampires on the journey to become the supreme predator of Vardoran, carving your name into the history of a world that has forgotten your kind. Journey through the shadows of the lands of man and monster, staking your claim and raising your towering castle. Drink blood, gather knowledge, and prove that you are worthy of the claim of the greatest Vampire to ever live by overcoming one final challenge…

Coming May 8th, 2024 to Steam, take to the skies on leathery wings and face down the Vampire king! Write the future of Vardoran in blood and live your legend this Spring!
... Read more

07 Mar


Blessings for the bloodthirsty!
With great enthusiasm, we bring you yet another developer update from the crypts of Stunlock Studios! Today, we’ll be delving into changes with the progression. From how spells are acquired to recipes and the quality of unlife that smooths the whole experience into a delightful, intuitive process, we aim to put a new twist on how you play, delivering much-desired changes in unexpected packages.

Light some candles and put on some haunting tunes to set the mood. It’s time to settle in to read more about the future of our villainous aspirations.

The Many Paths of Victory

Hunting V Bloods in V Rising gives you some flexibility in how you carve your way through Vardoran. You can opt out of defeating certain bosses if their spells or unlocks don't interest you, and often,... Read more

15 Feb


Greetings, creatures of the night!
We hope you’ve survived the winter frost and long nights as well as us. The crypts at Stunlock Studios have been as busy as ever, our plans unfolding within the dusty depths to our sinister excitement. You have been quite patient with us, and perhaps we should reward that patience with a nugget of knowledge to fill the dark months with hope for the coming year. Before we begin, thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive response to the big console reveal during ... Read more

13 Dec


Well, if it isn’t the Vampire hordes joining us for yet another Dev Update.

As once more, the infinite darkness of Swedish winter descends on the catacombs of Stunlock Studios, and the skies grow perfectly black, the beat of our bat wings is here to remind you that we are still flying overhead. As we start this dev update and head into the season, let's enjoy the festive spirit of the night. We'll reflect on the past year and look forward to the promising one to come.

Carnivorous Catch-Up
For those of you who haven’t been following us through our whole journey until now, this would be a good time to catch up on the release of ... Read more