

18 Sep

Hi everyone,

We wanted to let you know what we’re planning for the Update 28 game performance preview, and when you’ll see it. This Saturday, September 19, we’ll be sharing new details on a variety of topics during our Dark Heart of Skyrim Year-End Preview stream, including the upcoming Markarth DLC and Update 28 base-game features and improvements. We’ve got all-hands-on-deck preparing for the stream, and will be sharing the Update 28 game performance preview in the weeks that follow.

We’re also making some changes to the update-based game performance preview posts, based on feedback and reactions to the last one. In addition to a preview of the game performance improvements we have lined up for Update 28, you can also expect a summary of how the Update 27 game performance improvements went and related next steps. This does mean that we won’t have the Update 28 game performance preview for you before PTS launches (date info coming soon).

Thank you all for yo... Read more

25 Aug

Thanks for the info, all. We now have a bug in for this and the team is investigating.

24 Aug

Thank you for the video @parietic! It's super helpful and we're investigating. @Oingloin could you let us know if you experienced this issue in the same area, or somewhere else?
Hey @Oingloin where did you experience this? (What zone and area?) And what types of innocents did your Dark Shade attack? The NPC names or at least location would be helpful.

28 Jul

If you are still encountering an issue loading into the PC-EU server, could you please provide the following info?

[*] Account name (UserID)
[*] Names of the characters you're trying to play
[*] Where those characters are in the game

Thank you!

13 Jul

Hi everyone,

This morning, we are granting the missing rewards to players who have earned enough AP to gain additional Rewards for the Worthy since using an Alliance Change Token but didn't due to the bug that surfaced with the launch of Update 26 on PC/Mac (and is now fixed). If you are one of the players who was owed some Rewards for the Worthy, you will receive the replacements in your in-game mail just like they normally arrive.

Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions.

10 Jul


I hope any of those will fix new bug twhere using gap-closer ability during high latency, i.e. primetime cyro will guarantee result in your charater to be desynced.

Just checked in with the team about this and they are still investigating the root cause of this one.