

31 Aug

Mêlée Island has need of you once again! It’s time to return to Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island, an incredible crossover {LINK REMOVED}that kicked off in July, beginning a journey to reunite players with the legendary Guybrush Threepwood and defeat the villainous Captain LeChuck – all within the world of Sea of Thieves. Today sees the arrival of the second Tall Tale in the trilogy, promising a wave of new excitement and experiences…

The Tale So Far Players were granted their first foray into this new playground last month in the opening Tall Tale, ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’. In this initial adventure, taking place deep within the Sea of the Damned, players were introduced to a distorted reflection of the classic Mêlée Island.
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The Legend of Monkey Island
Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. The first two instalments are available now!

‘The Quest for Guybrush’
  • Guybrush has been imprisoned in a dream-world by his old nemesis, LeChuck, and now believes himself to be the mightiest pirate who ever cruised the Caribbean. The only way for crews to convince him otherwise is to undertake three Legendary Trials spread far and wide across Mêlée Island. If you don’t succeed, Guybrush may never be freed...
  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Quest for Guybrush’ Tall Tale.
  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on {LINK R...
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18 Aug

The time has come once again to dig through our cosmetics chests and see what secrets we can uncover. In the past we’ve delved into {LINK REMOVED}the mighty Orb, {LINK REMOVED}punk fashion and {LINK REMOVED}Plunder Pass assassins, while the previous instalment in this series grilled our teams on the thinking behind the keyston... Read more

08 Aug

After a month of exciting updates and summer fun, we had to leave July behind – but we’re here now to rekindle that spark with a round-up of things you might have missed. While we may never quite be able to cover every little thing (or at least not without keeping you there, yes there, in that exact seat, where you are right now, for several hours), here are some of the most notable July highlights for your reading pleasure…

Content Update Our big content news of July was, of course, the arrival of {LINK REMOVED}Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island! The first of the three Tall Tales comprising this celebratory crossover launched on July 20th, as {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

03 Aug

Fixed Issues ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’
  • Players will no longer receive Emissary Grade progression when placing Red Herrings on board their ship.
Battle for the Sea of Thieves
  • Players will now see their previously earned Allegiance at the correct level. This issue was purely visual, and no Allegiance earned has been lost.
Text and Localisation
  • Improvements have been made to localisation for those playing through Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island in languages other than English.
Performance and Stability
  • Improved client stability for lower-spec hardware across general gameplay to reduce scenarios where players may exit the game unexpectedly.
Known Issues To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

26 Jul

Hello, pirates. As some of you may have seen, we released a video today detailing some of the changes we’ve had to make to our upcoming release roadmap. Unfortunately, this includes the difficult decision to push back the launch of Season Ten to Thursday, 19th October 2023.

It’s not a decision we’ve taken lightly, and we share your disappointment that it’s something we’ve needed to do. However, after careful consideration, we firmly believe that it’s the best thing to do for the quality of the release, the sustainability of our development process and the wellbeing of our team.

Those of you who caught the recent episode of our podcast will have heard us discussing the challenges of implementing new systems into a game like Sea of Thieves. These types of foundational releases are challenging to make, as we have... Read more

20 Jul

The wait is over and your journey deep in the Caribbean can begin! An exciting new expedition delivered across three of Sea of Thieves’ tried and tested Tall Tales, The Legend of Monkey Island was {LINK REMOVED}unveiled at last month’s Xbox Games Showcase and welcomes you to a whole new world on July 20th.

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ is the first Tall Tale to arrive, but before we dive into more detail, let’s step back for a brief primer on The Legend of Monkey Island itself…

A Legend Sails In Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island is a collaboration between Rare and Lucasfilm Games that brings together two beloved casts of pirate characters to tell an original story. It’s designed to appeal to fresh-faced explor... Read more
The Legend of Monkey Island Voyage deep into the Caribbean with Sea of Thieves: The Legend of Monkey Island – an original story told across three Tall Tales, and a hilarious, heartfelt love letter to the iconic Monkey Island game series. The first of these Tall Tales is available to play now!

‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’
  • An ambitious new arrival at the Outposts is seeking help to hunt down Guybrush Threepwood, who disappeared while sailing to the Sea of Thieves. Via the Sea of the Damned, you’ll journey to the fabled Mêlée Island, where Guybrush is now revered as a legendary pirate of unparalleled talents. Clearly, something is very wrong…
  • New Commendations, achievements and rewards have been added with this update, marking your progress as you make your way through ‘The Journey to Mêlée Island’ Tall Tale.
  • To find out much more, head to our dedicated page on {LINK ...
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17 Jul

With the warm winds of June in our sails, the time has once again come to look back on the pirates who’ve recently stepped into our Spotlight to share their experiences on the Sea of Thieves. Since we last caught up with you in March, the brave souls below have faced our questions with nary a quiver, including noted cosplayers, gifted artists and community staples. Let’s find out what they all had to say…

First up was the costume connoisseur {LINK REMOVED}TizzyTam! In this Creator Spotlight, the cosplaying corsair regaled us with tales of her history with Crash Bandicoot, her experiences at SoTFest ’22 (including hosting) and how importan... Read more

12 Jul

We always say it was a busy month, but June really was a busy month, wasn’t it? With a Mystery, an Event, a Showcase and an Adventure, there was hardly a moment to catch your breath, but fear not: the latest round-up is here to fill you in on anything you missed. All you need to do is sit back, pour yourself a responsible drink and join us on the latest little trip down memory lane.

Content Update We entered June with the community scrambling to uncover clues to solve the final stage of The Hoarder’s Hunt. The devilish schemes of ‘H’ had those hunters ... Read more

07 Jul

After a month-long parade of riddles, enigmatic clues and listening really hard to a parrot, {LINK REMOVED}The Hoarder’s Hunt has reached its conclusion. With a real-life golden skull, silver keys and Reaper’s Mark medallions up for grabs, the competition to outwit the mysterious ‘H’ was certainly fierce, but things didn’t always unfurl exactly how the puppet-master intended – so let’s take a look back at exactly how Sea of Thieves’ second Mystery reached its end…

Stage One: Skin of Gold The Mystery began with a taunt from ‘H’ to the Gold Hoarders, warning them not to let pirates get involved in what was to come (as if). Several words in the message were capitalised, and the note was accompanied by a post on Instagram showing a banana, precisely bru... Read more

29 Jun

It’s been just over five years since Sea of Thieves set sail and, in this time, we have always striven to maintain a safe, inclusive and fair environment for our players. This includes consistently allocating resources to combat both cheating and toxic behaviour.

Cheating and Hacking In recent months we’ve seen an increase in player reports around cheating, and we wanted to take this opportunity to offer an honest and transparent view into our efforts in this space.

To paraphrase the Sea of Thieves {LINK REMOVED}Code of Conduct, Rare has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of in-game hacking or cheating, and any transgression can result in permanent enforcement action. Your reports alone have resulted in the termination of over ... Read more

23 Jun

The Sea of Thieves has seen a fragile sort of peace emerge over recent months, but something sinister is once again starting to make waves. The only instruction Larinna has to share is that someone urgently needs to speak with you. To find out what’s really going on, you’ll need to join this emerging cause and dive into Sea of Thieves’ latest Adventure, ‘A Dark Deception’.

The Story So Far As recapped in our latest {LINK REMOVED}Adventures Ahead article, previous story-driven Adventures have sent players all across the Sea of Thieves, pitting them against skeletons, Sirens and fellow sailors alike.... Read more

21 Jun

It’s been a while since Sea of Thieves last presented pirates with a time-limited, narrative-focused escapade, and as crews have been busy lately tussling over Chests of Fortune, investigating the intrigue of The Hoarder’s Hunt and acquiring new and shiny trinkets for their Captained ships, it’s entirely possible that the notion of Adventures as a whole is new to you.

If that’s the case, allow us to raise a lantern on Adventures past, present and future, bringing you up to speed in anticipation of ‘A Dark Deception’, the next instalment launching on June 22nd! Be sure to fill your tankard before diving in – you’ll need something to wash down all that lore…

I Have a Favour to Ask! Each Adventure to date has been largely focused on driving the Sea of Thieves story forward – sometimes this has meant events unfolding that pirates were powerless to prevent, while on other occasions it was the decisions of player crews around the world that determined the Adv... Read more

20 Jun

Following a recent revisit to Sea of Thieves’ Captaincy system and changes made to streamline player progression (which we encourage you to {LINK REMOVED}read about in more detail), we thought it’d be well worth recapping the reasons why you might want to buy your own ship and set sail as a Captain in the first place. So here’s a handy reminder of the perks available to our Captains of Adventure!

A Home on the Seas Say goodbye to rentals – your ship is now your own, purchased with hard-earned gold and gaining its own history and reputation as you sail upon it. There’s a certain amount of pride that comes with adventuring on something that’s been by your side through naval battles and Kraken attacks, rather than something you set foot on for the very... Read more

15 Jun

Season Nine soldiers on and brings action aplenty over the weeks ahead! The Captain’s Week Event rolls out the recently promised Captaincy changes, and hot on its heels comes the latest time-limited trip through another story-driven Adventure. It’s also a particularly fine month for Pirate Emporium variety, and a fresh collection of fixes and balances rounds out June’s offerings!

{LINK REMOVED}Last month’s release notes are still available for recent content reference, or going further back to the start of Season Nine, the release notes {LINK REMOVED}... Read more

11 Jun

Sea of Thieves fans hoping for a glimpse at what's coming their way over the next few months were in for a treat at this year's Xbox Games Showcase event, held on June 11th. Last year, the same event saw the wraps come off Season Seven's packed {LINK REMOVED}Captaincy feature set, while back in 2021 our Showcase included the reveal of {LINK REMOVED}Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life. It's a high standard of announcement to measure up to, but we hope you'll be pleased with what we've unveiled for 2023...

... Read more

09 Jun

Oh yes friends, it’s that time once again. May might have breezed past in the blink of an eye, but that doesn’t mean that we didn’t do our best to absolutely cram it with all kinds of content for you to enjoy. And as always, we wanted to provide you with a full round-up of everything that you might have missed, so let’s just get right to it…

Content Update The beginning of May was shrouded in Mystery. After an {LINK REMOVED}initial heads-up that something strange was afoot, the first of several letters from the shadowy ‘H’ was delivered to the Gold Hoarders. Filled with riddles, the note – and those that followed – led pirates down a twisting path to uncover a series of codes and in-game Voyages. Though three keys have been found at the time of writing, ... Read more

07 Jun

When we took a deep breath and released Sea of Thieves’ second trailer into the online currents back in 2016, backed by the atmospheric arrangement and vocals of ‘We Shall Sail Together’, any dream of numbers in the millions seemed too distant to even consider.

Seven years later, including five since launch, we’ve watched well over 30 million players set sail - but we’ve never lost track of the song that accompanied our early cinematic showing. The ... Read more

18 May

While pirate investigators apply themselves to the latest maritime Mystery, May’s content update serves up a collection of gameplay, performance and audiovisual refinements to the overall Sea of Thieves experience. A new player reporting tool also makes its debut, and the Pirate Emporium has treats in store based on classic Tall Tales and previous Plunder Pass content alike...

If you’ve missed any of the Season Nine action so far, you can watch the trailer above and sift through the release notes from {LINK REMOVED}this Season’s launch along with {LINK REMOVED}... Read more