about 2 years
ago -
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The devs plan to support and update the game for years after it releases and comes out of early access. There are five major features they still plan to add in order to feel good about calling the game complete. But even after that they will assign a team to keep updating and improving it.
Whether the game is labeled EA or not it is still going to get updates and some major improvements are planned for after official release (such as workshop support). Until they've released their planned features as experimentals and let early access players play and give feedback, the game will continue to be labeled as early access.
I think you can probably just get used to the idea of 10-11 years in EA starting now and let the 9-year sticker shock go.
Whether the game is labeled EA or not it is still going to get updates and some major improvements are planned for after official release (such as workshop support). Until they've released their planned features as experimentals and let early access players play and give feedback, the game will continue to be labeled as early access.
I think you can probably just get used to the idea of 10-11 years in EA starting now and let the 9-year sticker shock go.