about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
The 5 to 1 ratio is a byproduct of balancing . It's functionally still 1 piece.

It used to be that meat WAS 1:1, but they added a skill to increase harvests- However, to retain consistency with other skills and not make the skill seem much more powerful than it actually is, it increases the yield by 20% of base value per skill rank. With 5 ranks, this means doubling your yield.

However, 20% of 1 is .2; And .2 does not a whole piece make. Neither does .4, .6 or .8, for that matter. And so, they simply multiplied the base yield of meat by 5- And the recipe cost for most foods that use meat by 5 as well. Which makes 20% now increase 5 to 6; an increase of a whole number, without impacting how much meat is actually being used per craft.

This simultaneously solved another conundrum they had- How do we make a recipe use a fraction of a single piece of meat? Like, for example, a stew. When 1 was 1, There was no answer- Now that 1 is 5, you can use 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 meat for any given recipe.

As for solving your food crisis... Craft better food, if you can. And craft better drinks too- Drinks like Red Tea slow your consumption of hunger; as do skills like iron stomach in fortitude.