almost 2 years
ago -
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To a large extent TFP is trying to deliver their vision of the game, a game that they've always said, they wanted to make and play themselves. This focus has been pretty consistent from the games earliest days, and has guided them throughout (you can argue whether it has well guided them, since that would be a matter of opinion not fact).
That said, they have always tried to provide a platform which modders could use to expand on the game, or even, as is often the case with overhaul mods, fundamentally change some or even all of it's basic foci.
Alpha 21 does a lot of that - it's not up front and in your face like new content would be - but it allows for further, deeper and more meaningful modifications to the game going forward which will be of benefit to the modding community.
For me personally, I think that's fantastic, since the longevity of the game will ultimately rest, long past post-Gold and ongoing support, down the years, in the hands of the modding community.
That said, they have always tried to provide a platform which modders could use to expand on the game, or even, as is often the case with overhaul mods, fundamentally change some or even all of it's basic foci.
Alpha 21 does a lot of that - it's not up front and in your face like new content would be - but it allows for further, deeper and more meaningful modifications to the game going forward which will be of benefit to the modding community.
For me personally, I think that's fantastic, since the longevity of the game will ultimately rest, long past post-Gold and ongoing support, down the years, in the hands of the modding community.