about 2 years
ago -
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Heck of a blanket statement.
Not a single thing? Nothing? At all? Not the decorations, not the added world gen options, not the new POIs, Nor the environmental hazards? Not the water update? The spear changes? Electrical changes?
Like, I can understand thinking certain things aren't going to pan out well.. But..
At the end of the day, you can opt into A20.6 when A21 comes out- Play blisffully here forever more as your favored version. Or mod, or whatever. But I'd personally suggest you at least give playing with the changes a try before blanket deciding it's the worst thing in the history of ever.
Not a single thing? Nothing? At all? Not the decorations, not the added world gen options, not the new POIs, Nor the environmental hazards? Not the water update? The spear changes? Electrical changes?
Like, I can understand thinking certain things aren't going to pan out well.. But..
At the end of the day, you can opt into A20.6 when A21 comes out- Play blisffully here forever more as your favored version. Or mod, or whatever. But I'd personally suggest you at least give playing with the changes a try before blanket deciding it's the worst thing in the history of ever.