almost 2 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
What...? What indexes? O.o

There's no such thing on the left hand side of the screen by default.

The only thing I can think of is something you yourself must enable by enabling debug mode, and pressing F3.
Is this stuff on the left hand side representative of what you're complaining about? If yes, Hit F3- Now it's gone.

Alternatively, If for some reason you want certain panels from the F3 menu to be visible, enable the F3 overlay and then open your inventory- Now that you have mouse control, at the top of the panels on the left side are a bunch of checkboxes for various informational outputs that you can enable or disable as you please.

Lastly, I would recommend you to stop enabling Debug Mode since you're not wholly cognizant of it's many features that can be quite easy to accidentally enable. Debug mode is full of a bunch of developer features not entirely intended to be used by players- And is used at your own risk.