over 1 year ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Greymantle: A21 so far has been a major disappointment for me. The huge focus on traders, vending machines, and how they are implemented is immersion breaking. Why are they so well supplied? Who is supplying them? It sure isn't me, so what gives? With only one person at the trader, how does he keep from getting robbed? The whole setup is poorly implemented and is very immersion breaking for me.

What worries me is they seem to be forcing the trader interaction on us. What is their love with traders? Why are they setup like an Amazon store in game? sigh... Thank God for modlets and the ability to mod out traders. It seems some where along the way they forgot this was a survival game and not a one stop supply place for most of your needs in a zombie apocalypse.
Who is forcing? I've been playing for years with almost zero interaction from the traders other than the starter quest, and to occasionally try to get something that's hard to find. You know the quest series that gives you a free bicycle in a20? I've never once done it. Not even in internal testing.

Also note, that once the other supporting features are in the game, the traders will make perfect sense. Oh and they have been re-balanced a bit in a21 as well.