almost 3 years
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In all cases, The shock would not be channeled any better by the addition. In fact, the addition of metal wrapped around/protruding from the baton in various places would more than likely just short the circuitry and make the shock value worthless, Or potentially even cause it to back fire on you from loose wire/chain dangling around potentially contacting you.
You want the zombie to be the one breaking that circuit and getting shocked- Not the metal chain you haphazardly wrapped around the baton.
For the Metal Spikes specifically, it would channel the shock for sure- And keep the shock from doing what you want it to do. Electricity tends to follow the path of least resistance. That would be from the circuit of the baton...straight to the iron spikes you put in, largely causing superficial surface damage instead of the electricity coursing through nerves and muscles and stunning the zombie. Just like how a taser works by inserting two prongs into a target and having the electricity pass prong to prong through the person.
You want the zombie to be the one breaking that circuit and getting shocked- Not the metal chain you haphazardly wrapped around the baton.
For the Metal Spikes specifically, it would channel the shock for sure- And keep the shock from doing what you want it to do. Electricity tends to follow the path of least resistance. That would be from the circuit of the baton...straight to the iron spikes you put in, largely causing superficial surface damage instead of the electricity coursing through nerves and muscles and stunning the zombie. Just like how a taser works by inserting two prongs into a target and having the electricity pass prong to prong through the person.