about 2 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Originally posted by esthergray: I've never seen one in the desert.
Same. One could check biomes.xml to make sure.
Originally posted by esthergray: I've never seen one in the desert.
Originally posted by esthergray:Originally posted by Karmaterrorᵁᴷ: Thanks guys, went for a bike ride back to the lush biome yesterday, found a lumber mill with a tonne of tree stumps around it and got a load of honey stocked up at base now :)
Your chance of honey are much greater when the stumps are on pois
Originally posted by Uncle Al:Originally posted by Crater Creator:
I’m pretty sure there’s only one block definition for the tree stump, which means there could only be one probability for dropped honey on harvest. Anecdotal variance is best attributed to randomness or confirmation bias.
There was a bug when the drop chance was reduced, which happened in one of the A20 updates. I forget which exactly. POI stumps still used the old drop chance (40%, I believe) while stumps in open landscape correctly used the new chance (20%, I'm fairly sure).
I'm fairly certain it was patched in a later update so that all stumps correctly drop at 20%.