about 1 month ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by Sierra:
Originally posted by 𝓝π“ͺ𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓲:
This is not correct. The range delays the date of the blood moon up to the range #.

If you have 7 day cycle on 2 day range, it's 7, 8 or 9.
oh... that's what the mouseover text suggests, yeah. well... I'll not use that option then :(

At risk of stating the obvious… a BM frequency of 5 days with a BM range of 4 days would yield 7 days +/- 2 days. :boomer:
about 1 month ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
At risk of stating the obvious… a BM frequency of 5 days with a BM range of 4 days would yield 7 days +/- 2 days. :boomer:

Hmm. According to Prime, and confirmed by Jugginator, "Starting a game with hordes every 5 days with a 4 day range can roll a horde anywhere between day 1 and day 9".

Okay, they would know. And going in both directions would've been my default assumption. I was going off of the tooltip:
Sets a random range that blood moons will happen. 0 is off. 3 would mean a blood moon can happen up to 3 days later than normal.

To me that's written to strongly imply that the range only makes it later, never earlier. I would rewrite the tooltip to prevent the ambiguity.
about 1 month ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by seven:
Originally posted by Crater Creator:
At risk of stating the obvious… a BM frequency of 5 days with a BM range of 4 days would yield 7 days +/- 2 days. :boomer:

Hmm. According to Prime, and confirmed by Jugginator, "Starting a game with hordes every 5 days with a 4 day range can roll a horde anywhere between day 1 and day 9".

Okay, they would know. And going in both directions would've been my default assumption. I was going off of the tooltip:
Sets a random range that blood moons will happen. 0 is off. 3 would mean a blood moon can happen up to 3 days later than normal.

To me that's written to strongly imply that the range only makes it later, never earlier. I would rewrite the tooltip to prevent the ambiguity.

My larger point was that either way it works, Sierra can get their desired result in practice.