about 2 years
ago -
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There aren't really 'waves' of enemies. Rather, there's a set value of enemies that can be alive at one time, and when you kill one, one respawns to take it's place
If you kill all of the zombies at once, it seems like a new wave is coming, but really, it's just that you killed all the zombies, and all of them respawned at once.
So if you have it set to a max alive of 8, then 8 zombies can be alive at once during the horde, you kill one, a new one spawns to take it's place. If you set it to 64, same thing.
This kill->respawn cycle continues until the total count of zombies has run dry.
If you kill all of the zombies at once, it seems like a new wave is coming, but really, it's just that you killed all the zombies, and all of them respawned at once.
So if you have it set to a max alive of 8, then 8 zombies can be alive at once during the horde, you kill one, a new one spawns to take it's place. If you set it to 64, same thing.
This kill->respawn cycle continues until the total count of zombies has run dry.