about 5 years
ago -
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The options are quest reset; Or quest failure. There is no good way to make the quest information and flags persist through logout, especially through crashes, that does not immediately lead to quest failure...
Upon a crash, the game scrambles to save data as things are unloaded; Your character is one of the first things unloaded from the world- If the quest wasn't reset, as you are requesting, at this point you would trigger the quest failed flag for not staying within the area..(This stands true of log out as well; your character is the first thing unloaded.)
Likewise, If you crash or something, when you're loading up the world after the fact.. If the quest wasn't reset, then, Your character is the Last thing to be loaded into the world (To prevent you from being attacked, losing hunger/thirst, etc while still loading); Your quest is loaded before you, you fail the quest for having left the area.
In either case, Your quest is now failed, not just reset.
As to the 'Quest cannot be activated right now, come back later' message......I would like to just re state that exact line with some extra emphasis...
"Quest cannot be activated right now, come back later"
This..This really should not be hard to understand. Just go away for a day and come back to the quest later; It explicitly tells you so; You're not forced to remove the quest; You're asked to come back later. This is done to prevent abuse of the reset mechanic (Which, as explained above, the alternative is plain ol quest failure.) -- So you cant just log out, log in, and reset the POI a hundred times and loot the best items; It has a cooldown timer. Again, Come back later; It'll let you start the quest again.
Can't offer you any help with crashes though; For me personally, I've yet to experience a crash in A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, or A18; Something is going on with your computer and its interactions with 7dtd which I'm not capable of troubleshooting without a great deal more information.
Edit: Just want to add; An Additional complications of not unloading and resetting a quest: Were it even possible to do so without instantly failing the quest; Any clear or fetch/clear quest will then either A: Be instantly completed, or B: not possible to complete due to zombies being unloaded from the world; Neither of which is a good thing.
Upon a crash, the game scrambles to save data as things are unloaded; Your character is one of the first things unloaded from the world- If the quest wasn't reset, as you are requesting, at this point you would trigger the quest failed flag for not staying within the area..(This stands true of log out as well; your character is the first thing unloaded.)
Likewise, If you crash or something, when you're loading up the world after the fact.. If the quest wasn't reset, then, Your character is the Last thing to be loaded into the world (To prevent you from being attacked, losing hunger/thirst, etc while still loading); Your quest is loaded before you, you fail the quest for having left the area.
In either case, Your quest is now failed, not just reset.
As to the 'Quest cannot be activated right now, come back later' message......I would like to just re state that exact line with some extra emphasis...
"Quest cannot be activated right now, come back later"
This..This really should not be hard to understand. Just go away for a day and come back to the quest later; It explicitly tells you so; You're not forced to remove the quest; You're asked to come back later. This is done to prevent abuse of the reset mechanic (Which, as explained above, the alternative is plain ol quest failure.) -- So you cant just log out, log in, and reset the POI a hundred times and loot the best items; It has a cooldown timer. Again, Come back later; It'll let you start the quest again.
Can't offer you any help with crashes though; For me personally, I've yet to experience a crash in A13, A14, A15, A16, A17, or A18; Something is going on with your computer and its interactions with 7dtd which I'm not capable of troubleshooting without a great deal more information.
Edit: Just want to add; An Additional complications of not unloading and resetting a quest: Were it even possible to do so without instantly failing the quest; Any clear or fetch/clear quest will then either A: Be instantly completed, or B: not possible to complete due to zombies being unloaded from the world; Neither of which is a good thing.