almost 3 years
ago -
Red Eagle LXIX
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Originally posted by Spider: I put on different glasses for different situations.I got tired of doing that, so I made a modlet that combined them all (and with NightVision).
Originally posted by Spider: I put on different glasses for different situations.I got tired of doing that, so I made a modlet that combined them all (and with NightVision).
Originally posted by Red Eagle LXIX:Originally posted by Spider: I put on different glasses for different situations.I got tired of doing that, so I made a modlet that combined them all (and with NightVision).
Originally posted by Spider: I love your modlets. I use quite a few of them regularly.Glad you like them.
Originally posted by Crater Creator:That is almost how I did the mod. You do need one of each type.Originally posted by Red Eagle LXIX: I got tired of doing that, so I made a modlet that combined them all (and with NightVision).
The glasses could be made into mods for some all-purpose piece of eyewear. Then you’d still have to find/buy each type. It would be a less cheaty way to have multiple stat boosts at once.